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__Tails was over by the pharmacy looking for the brand of ibuprofen that he always uses. But he found that the section that always had that brand sitting in was empty. He felt annoyed since he knew he was one of the very few that bought this brand, but he just settled for the next best thing that usually sat next to it. After he got that he rejoined Sonic and the others over by the bakery section. He was immediately hit with the smell of the fresh baked goods and was loving it. It made him want to buy something from here, but he had a strict diet he was following and shook off the urge. Sonic had no problem with his diet. The blue hedgehog had a very fast metabolism, so no matter how much he ate, he barely gained anything from it. Tails was jealous of course, but he wasn't envious.
__Fiona's tail was swaying back and forth slowly as she looked around. She was smiling. "I can't remember the last time I've walked into a store like this with no worries for anything. This is nice."
__Scourge kept his ears flattened. There were people who would pass by and stop and look at him in shock. He would just keep his arms crossed and face his back to them. He was not feeling what Fiona was.
__If Tails knew one thing, donuts always made Sonic feel relaxed. Despite Sonic and Scourge being opposites to each other, they still shared mostly the same characteristics and interests, especially when it came to food. Tails looked over and saw that Sonic was already looking at the donuts. He had a shopping basket hanging on his left arm as he looked around. Tails went over and placed the bottle of pills in the basket before grabbing two boxes of the same donuts. He put one box in the basket and took the other over to Scourge. He showed the green hedgehog the box and grinned. "I can get this for you if you want?"
__Scourge took this time to examine the box first. He seemed to want to turn him down but he nodded slowly anyway.
__"Awesome." Tails went back over to Sonic and placed the box in the basket. "That's all I plan on getting. You need other things?"
__Sonic looked at Tails and nodded. "Just a few things."
__Tails pulled out his wallet and took a ten that would cover for his two items. He knew Sonic always preferred using credit cards to make his purchases. It was faster and less of a hassle to the hedgehog. Everytime the two went shopping together Tails always made sure to pay him back in cash so Sonic could make a quick purchase. He gave the hedgehog the money and started walking. "I'm gonna head for the restroom."
__"All right, dude!"

__Once Tails was done he made his way to the front. He couldn't be bothered to look for the others and decided it would be best to wait at the entrance for them. While he stood by the doors he saw that people were just staring at him. Some were in awe, most were judgemental. Judging him for what he could not understand. Was it not so normal for a Freedom Fighter, a known hero if you will, to want to go out and do the norm every so often? What exactly made him so different? He hid both of his tails behind his legs upon that thought. Most normies understood that his two tails were not shameful, but the others still refused to see that. Anything that was not perfect to them, no matter how good a person they are, would always be dead in their eyes. He couldn't help that he was born with an extra tail and that his two tails were malleable enough at the joints to where they could spin like helicopter blades without issue. Normies called this a birth defect. His friends and family called it a blessing. He couldn't see how one or the other were correct. He just had two tails. Nothing special. Some dogs could be born with a tail on their forehead and the normies thought that was cute. They'd see cartoon or game foxes that had nine tails and would love them immediately. What made him different from a kitsune with extra tails? Kitsunes could transform into humans and create illusions to mess with humans for their own entertainment. They were considered evil, and the normies loved them. He was considered a hero, yet he was ridiculed. Why?
__He perked up when he heard a whistle. Sonic and the others were walking up to him. Sonic was holding two bags. He handed one of them to Tails and smiled. "I was planning on staying with you longer, but Sally called and needs to meet up with me for important business. You guys gonna be all right?"
__Tails nodded before smirking. "By the way, this still doesn't make up for having them stay with me."
__"Yeah, I know," Sonic responded proudly. "I already told you I'd take to dinner and then straight to my bed."
__Tails started pushing the blue hedgehog as they both started laughing. "Fucking asshole! We're in public!"
__Sonic was pushing Tails back. "What's the matter? You embarrassed by all of our nights alone together while we cuddled under the moonlight with nothing but our own sounds?" He teased.
__Scourge and Fiona were actually giggling to themselves. The other people were just staring at them in confusion and disgust. A few did laugh.
__Tails made a swing at Sonic, but the hedgehog dodged and started running. "Later, bitches!" He was gone in an instant.
__Tails felt hot as the crowd started to get loud. They were already gossiping. He started speed walking out of the store. "Let's go. My migraine's getting worse." Scourge and Fiona followed him eagerly.
__They walked through town on the way home. Fiona had been lightly teasing Tails about what Sonic said. Tails was trying so hard not to show any expression, but he couldn't stop himself from smiling. Scourge just listened to them arguing quietly. Although he didn't smile, he was enjoying what was happening.
__They stopped at an intersection. The crosswalk they would take had a red light as the cars drove by, so they had to wait. Tails had been feeling much better today. He didn't realize how much he liked being happy with his friends until now. That moment didn't last however. He felt someone who had been passing by fiercely pull on his tail. He yelped as he felt all the wrong signals run through his body. He quickly turned around while gripping his tail and scanned the area. In that instant he saw a flash of purple go around the nearest building into an alleyway.
__Fiona turned to Tails as the crosswalk traffic light changed, signally it was safe to cross. "You okay?"
__Tails was growling. He had enough with the fucking bandicoot sisters. This would not stand for much longer. It was time to confront them himself. "Go on ahead. I'll catch up quickly." He didn't wait for either of them to remark. He gave his shopping bag to Scourge and started walking into the alleyway once he made sure they started crossing the road. The alley was mostly empty, a part from miscellaneous items like large garbage bins. Tails couldn't think straight at the moment. He was mad.
__"Where the fuck are you?" He sneered. "I'm tired of your shit already!" He heard someone walk behind him and was about to turn around when his vision suddenly went completely dark.

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