Chapter 3

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I got home in a hurry and walked inside slamming the door behind me. I put everything away but didn't sit down. I suddenly felt the need to take a walk which I haven't felt in years.

I slipped back out of the apartment and down the cursed steps, surprisingly not slipping.

I saw Maou and some girl at the train station. (I honestly don't care if I'm going to fast in this story). Are they on a date? The devil himself? On a date? I thought and laughed inwardly.

Just then the ground started to rumble. I tried to keep my balance until a chunk of rock fell onto me.

Yet I didn't get squished, no I felt the thing I haven't felt in a while. I felt the power flow through me, yet I couldn't open my wings because there was still some burnt skin covering it and I didn't feel like breaking the skin. I picked up the rock and moved it off of me. I then heard Maou's deep voice say something about making sure everyone is alright.

I was genuinely surprised, Satan wants to help people, has he changed? I thought, then I heard his voice again, this time speaking to me. "Miss are you alright?" He asked, I just nodded. I didn't bother to look up. No instead I curled up into a ball and felt like crying myself to sleep. I heard him
walk away to check on other people that were hurt from the earthquake.

I looked up and stood up, my head a bit dizzy, but I needed to get out of here. I stumbled out of the rubble and outside to see policy cars, ambulances and fire trucks there. People were being held back by tape.

I stumbled under a bridge where a paramedic found me and cared for the giant cur on my stomach that I didn't realize that I had do to me being dizzy and concentrating on other things.

"Are you all right?" I heard Maou's regular voice ring through my ears, I looked you to see his clothing all ruined. I wiped the tears off my face and shook my head a tiny bit.

I was tired and cold. All of a sudden I was off the ground and in Maou's arms trying to warm me up. I snuggled into him then remembered that girl that he was on "a date" with. I sighed and hugged myself. "Sire are you all right?" Ashyia came over and asked Maou before noticing me in his arms. He raised and eyebrow. "Sire, I advise you to put down that human right now!" Maou just laughed, "Santos she's not hurting any one and she was cold, besides I thought I told you to stop calling me that!" He accidentally dropped me but I didn't hit the ground. I used some of my magic to keep me from doing so.

They watched me get up and dust myself off before limping back home, I could feel the blood soak the badge and my hurt but I didn't pay any mind to it.

As I climbed the forsaken steps I slipped and hit my chin on one of the steps temporarily dislocating my jaw. I stood up and continued to my room. Once I got in there I put my jaw back in place and got changed and changed my bandage.

"This is going to be a long week." I muttered as I climbed in bed. "Maybe some sleep will cure it." I snuggled into my bed and fell asleep."

~Next week(because I really am that lazy)~

I woke up to hear a door opening and closing. With that I got up and got dressed getting ready for the longest day with my friends from Enta Isla. To be honest, I'm kinda sad that Maou and Ashyia still don't know that I'm from Enta Isla. And I'M kinda glad that we still haven't found Lucifer, yet I know that he'll turn up sometimes soon.

I walked over to see Chiho running away from Maou's apartment. Uh Oh what did they do this time? I thought to myself as I followed her to make sure she was safe and also make her come back. I had no idea what the problem was and I could guareentee that I knew what it was.

"Chiho, wait up!" I called to her as I nearly fell Dow the stairs as every girl does. Chiho stops turns a bit and smiles at me. I ran up to her.

"Soooo, what happened?" I asked nonchalantly as I walked beside her.

"Are Maou and Emi in a relationship?" Chiho suddenly yelled/asked me. It honestly caught me off guard so I stood there stunned for a moment. In the moment though Chiho started crying and saying how she was right about the matter.

I snapped out of shock. "Wait Chiho! No, there aren't, I just zoned out for a moment."

She wouldn't listen. It's as if something were keeping her from doing so. Then she just ran off.

"Chiho!" I called after her trying time get her to slow down yet that didn't seem to work.

Where did she go? I asked myself but it didn't seem to help very much.

Then I saw Maou, Ashyia, and Emi running down the street. I followed quietly and watched silently.

Yet one question lingered in the back if my mind, yet it seems as if I had already answered it.

Who are they chasing and why?

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