chapter 19

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Sadiq's pov

"Hanan" She didn't even bother to listen to me. Everyone is looking at me. Everyone.

I called my cousin Yusuf
"Let the event continue" I command

The event continue like nothing happened. I went and told the security not to let a single soul  out. Hannatu cannot escape this. I will destroy her for lifetime.

I called my closest friend and he is not at work. I explained the situation to him

"Can you please go back to work for me" I requested.

"I will try" he said.

"Please I need you. I can't leave Hanan alone. Just go and get me the recordings from the security room. I'm sure there are CCTV camera where it happened."

He agreed to check and send the recordings to me. But all that matters right now is Hanan. I know she's so heartbroken.

I went to the vacant room and she is there as expected. My sister's are with her.

"Can you leave us for a while please" I requested and they left without any hesitation.

"I don't know if I have fault in what happened a while ago, but I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for everything"

She didn't say a single word instead she continue crying. I hugged her so tight because I'm sure she need that more than anything. We hugged for long time until my phone rings. I slowly moved her away from me and answered.

"Everything is in good hand. Check your WhatsApp" he said.

I thank him so much and check my WhatsApp. It's exactly what I needed.

"Come with me" I told her and she did.

I asked my cousin to show all those videos. He is one of my favorites cousin and he did without hesitation.

I take the Microphone.
"Hannatu's attention is needed please"

She was no other option than to move forward.
I played the video and everyone was shocked.

"As you can see I have nothing to do with what happen. I don't know who took that pictures for her either. Maybe she did that to revenge from me or to upset my wife. So now is left for you to judge friends. Enjoy the rest of your day".

Once I finish proving myself, I ask my sister to leave and I take my wife back home.

I went to her room to apologize for everything.

"I'm so sorry for everything. Please forgive" I said holding her hand.

"It's all in the past now" she smile

"Are you sure?" I pull her to me.

I gave her a hug. I realized I need that more than anything.

It escalated real quick. From hug to something big.


I have been so close to Hanan since that past months. But something is missing. I don't know how to tell her how much she mean to me. I don't know how to explain my feelings.

I'm going back home today. I haven't seen her in two weeks and I have miss her so much. I want to do something to make her feel special today. I called her.

"How much do you miss me?" I asked.
"Not much" she replied
"are you for real?"
"How can I miss you when I have _duy beni_ to watch. My new favorite series" she joked.
We talked for so long and I'm so excited to see her.

Work-life is so stressful. I haven't seen my family in weeks and the first thing I did after coming back was going to office. I have to check for some files.  I did ask the driver to take my luggages home. Hanan couldn't wait and she decided to come to me.

I bought her flowers. She love them, she always post them on Instagram. I decided to buy exactly the one she posted. She downloaded the picture from Pinterest.

She arrived but can't cross the road because of the active cars. I don't why girls are so scared of crossing road. I take the flowers with me and hide it behind me.

"I can see you now." I said to her from the phone.

She waved at me smiling. I miss her beautiful smile. She look so happy to see me. I miss Hanan so much and can't wait to hug her.

"Cross now" I said.

She cross until this car come out of nowhere. Speeding like it's the end of the world.

"Hana be careful" I screamed.

And then the world went completely silent. I threw my phone away.

"HANAN" i screamed

The car hit her in the worse way ever.

I have never told her how much I love her. How much she meant me. But Here she in front of me, laying in pool of blood.


Life can slip away in a blink of an eye. Check up on your love ones, tell them how much you love them.

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With love, Sa'adah 🤍

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