chapter 7

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Did I heard that right?

Sadeeq and asma's weeding was called off!?

It kept repeating in my head. I tried as much as I can to be normal but I couldn't hide the excitement.

The look mom gave me made me put myself together. I want to go and spill the tea to Hafsa but I don't want to make it too obvious so I decided to stay a little longer.

After few minutes of staying I get up to my room.

I facetime time hafsa 3x but this stupid girl didn't pick up. I called her directly she still didn't pick.

"Pick up! I need to tell you the good news!" I toasted the phone on my bed.

I kept roaming around and couldn't stand still. I started looking thorough his pictures. Read over the stuffs I wrote about him.

Hafsa finally called back.

"Girl why did you call me like 10 times, are you dying or something"

"This is better than death. What tooks you so long to call stupid girl" I added

"Spill the tea" she said without hesitation

"Okay guess what the topic is about?"

"Sadiq ofcouse"

"You're right! This new is going to shock your bestie"

"I hate when you're doing this. Just tell me bro I'm tired of waiting" she screamed at me.

"Sadiq, I mean my Sadiq" the laugher broke out of nowhere.

"Will you tell me or should I hang off"

"Okay okay, Sadiq and asma's wedding was called off. There will be no marriage" I screamed out if excitement

"Say wallahi! I don't believe you. Stop playing with me"

"I swear to God I'm not lying. Dad said it a while ago. It ended because of genotype. They're both As, unfortunately "

"Wait girl, you're AA so you and him are suitable " she added

"Omg I didn't even come to my mind"

We talked for long time and spent the rest of the day watching his pictures and imagining me &him married. I even write what out wedding hashtag will be #sahan .  I'm definitely the perfect match for him.


I finished washing the dishes and went right back to my room.

"Yaya Hanan mom is calling you" khalifa run to my room

"You couldn't even say assalamualaikum?"

"I forget" he replied

"Where is she?"
"She in her room waiting for you"

I get up and went.

"Hanan sit down"

That sounds a little bit odd.
"I hope you weren't happy because the wedding was called off? "

"No mom I definitely felt bad of both of them. Is hard to let go after loving someone for a long time. After dreaming life with them. But may Allah make it easy for them.

"Ameen. But are sincere with what you just said "

My mom know me very well. And I don't want to lie to her and I wouldn't let this opportunity to slip away from me this time around.

"If I am to be honest mom, I felt bad and happy at the same time"

"I know and that's why I called you. Hanan if you want to confess your feelings to Sadiq then better do it now!" She sounds very serious

"Mom I can't even keep a normal conversation with him how can I confess my feelings to him?"

"If you cannot then I will"

"You will what?" I puzzled
"I will talk to your father about your feelings to him"

"Mom don't please. Baba is going to be so mad at me." I pleaded

"I won't listen to you this time around. I wouldn't want to see my daughter in pain knowing I could have done something."

She hold my hands

"Hanan I will talk to you father about it. He can make a great move to this. Trust me"



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With love, Sa'adah.

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