chapter 3

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Sadiq love asma so much more than anything. I'm very much aware of that. I Know everything he love and everything he hates. I know everything about him.

I decided to bring out my journals to read. I bring out the one I wrote when I was 15. I will be 21 in weeks, it's unbelievable. I wrote it in ss1. Everything is about Sadiq. I kinda miss journaling, I think I should continue. It brings so many memories to life.

Khadija walked in and I close it real quick. I wonder how it feels to have your own room.

"Thinking about sadeeq again" she said without even looking at me.

"Shut up mom will hear"

"Yaya Hanan" she said
"Yes "

"I have a question"

"Go ahead"

"Why do you still love ya Sadeeq even though he has a girlfriend" she closed her eyes and sigh
"Not girlfriend, he as a fiancee "

My heart almost jumped out of my chest.
"Where did you get that from?" I asked

"Well technically, because everyone knows asma in their house. She even goes if there is any event"

"Well that doesn't make her his fiancee"
My mood shifted so quick. From good to bad.

She is telling the truth? Maybe they are engaged without our knowledge? But their parents would have told our parents.

"Khadi come closer" i demanded
"Can't you see I'm folding clothes?" She replied


She sat next to me.
"Do you think there's an official movement between them" i asked

"Not yet but definitely very soon. Moreover sadeeq is every ready to settle down. They're probably waiting for her to graduate. Better get rid of your obsession with him"

"I'm gonna be so heartbroken " i puzzled

"You should have told him since before he meet asma. Maybe you would have known were you stand now!"

Mom cut off our conversation. She asked us to start preparing dinner.


Me, mom Khadija were chatting in the living room. Khalifa and Hafiz are playing in the guys room. Ofcouse because Ammar is not home. He goes to FUDMA Kastina state. He first year in uni.
We just ignored them because we were tired of asking them to come out.

"So are you guys coming or not" mom asked

I winked at Khadija so she can say yes too
"Ofcouse mom we will go. They're like our family" I said.

She just asked if if will be going to sadiq's cousins wedding. We were invited so we have to go. My only reason is sadeeq might be there, other wise I don't like association myself with them much. They're very very rich, we're just average. I feel like we came from a two different world. But it doesn't matter.


It's my birthday, that wasn't the important part. The best part is the were at the wedding and sadeeq is here. That's the best birthday gift ever.

His family are so beautiful Masha Allah but so we're. Me and Khadija look very beautiful and we're just chatting and minding my business.

My mood shifted real quick when I saw asma talking to Sadiq. I couldn't stand still.

"Hey " i said to them, well to him.
He replied and continue talking Like I don't exist.

I hate everything I'm feeling right now. I hold khadi's hand very tight.

"Let's get out of here" she said.
We walked to the backyard and I couldn't hold my tears.

After a long moment I went in and I was the girl i hate the most. Another cousin of Sadiq hannatu. She hate me, I hate her. But we share the same traits, we both love Sadiq.

Hannah thinks she's better than me because they're rich. We went to the same madrasa and we fought almost everyday. Or let me put it this way, I beat the hell out her almost everyday.

We were at the back talking and she walk next to us. I was looking at every movement of Sadiq and so she was. But he is with asma'u, I hate that. He should be with me.

Sadiq was passing by me, I can feel the butterflies flying in my stomach. My thoughts stopped when this Hannah pushed me away. I almost crash at the glass with the dessert on.

But it's my fortunate day. Sadeeq quickly grabbed my hand and I luckily didn't fall.

My eyes were looking directly into his. This eyes were meant to look at me.


Not me getting butterflies 🤧❤️

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