Something That I want

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Izuku sighed against Katsuki's shoulder, adjusting his body to be comfortable. On the couch, Izuku rested his body on Katsuki as he flipped through a memory book of baby photos. Katsuki claimed it was from his mom; she gave it to Mitsuki (Katsuki's mom) before her passing. Izuku didn't get the whole mom thing, but it gave him more perspective when he saw pictures of her holding him as a baby. Katsuki awkwardly explained what a mom was, asking for Hitoshi's help when Izuku asked how babies were made. If a mom's job is to give birth, how does that happen?

Hitoshi explained moms are not just for giving birth; but rather caring for their children, showing them independence, and love.

Hitoshi sat on Izuku's other side, mindlessly twiddling with Izuku's curls. He would look at a few photos Izuku passed onto him and smile, but also felt hurt- wondering how Izuku was kidnapped. Izuku hasn't said anything about his dad kidnapping him, simply because he didn't know he was. However, Izuku began to question why his parents didn't like each other.

Katsuki explained what he knew, that his dad left for work in America (Hitoshi had to go into detail about geography too) and his mom hated him for doing that, missing out on Izuku's childhood. So, she became protective of Izuku. Stopping him from talking to his dad. Only once a year they could, according to Katsuki.

"How do you know that?" Izuku asked multiple times throughout their conversation and Katsuki would reply with a "my mom told me." Many facts Katsuki said about his dad being a jerk made Izuku want to disagree, however, he didn't. The only thing he could do was question the origin of it.

"Perhaps, we should take a break and show Izuku some other stuff, Kat." Hitoshi suggested, pulling the photo book out of Izuku's hands and placing it in the box.

"Wait-" Izuku laughed as well as gasped, "there's more?"

Hitoshi and Katsuki laughed with Izuku, practically holding their stomachs. Izuku huffed, crossing his arms with a playful pout. "Oh c'mon, you don't even know what a skyscraper is- you still have a few things left to learn." Katsuki patted Izuku's shoulder, getting up and pulling Izuku and Hitoshi up.

Hitoshi tilted his head slightly, and Katsuki was in a better mood. He was acting like his normal stuff, still holding some bite, but mostly kind. He wasn't angry at him or Izuku, just calm. He wasn't glaring at Hitoshi whenever he touched Izuku's arm. As though he accepted Hitoshi into their 'pack'.

It wasn't long to set up a few video games and board games. Katsuki showed Izuku a shooter game, explaining the lore of the game called Halo. Izuku didn't get most of it, just choosing to listen. Hitoshi, meanwhile, set up a board game called 'The Game of Life.' Izuku, though, enjoyed the various video games, platformers, simulations, and shooters. Katsuki also showed him a 'Bunny simulator' where he played as a brown bunny surviving in the wild. Izuku played it, finding it to be relaxing and comfy. Izuku was confused at one point about why his bunny died a couple of times, and it turns out it was becoming dehydrated.

Izuku became more careful of the bunny after that.

The board game Hitoshi showed him was rather interesting too. It talked about birth, school, work, retirement and death. Hitoshi wanted to show him the natural stages of life. They talked about the different levels of schooling and jobs people can do, what retirement is and how most people die. Izuku eventually asked how his mom died, rather confused about why she would've died from old age when she was young, according to Katsuki.

And that's how they got to the conversation about hospitals- diseases, illnesses, and accidents. They used Katsuki's experiences as examples, explaining how hospitals work and how treatment occurs. Izuku asked a few questions relating to his dad, wondering what treatment his dad would need if he got stabbed or broken a bone. All injuries Izuku had to heal. Painfully explaining the one time he found his dad practically dead years ago, he asked how doctors would heal that in a hospital.

Katsuki and Hitoshi didn't have an answer as they weren't doctors. Nonetheless, it gave him an idea of how much his dad relies on him for no reason. He could go to the hospital and get healed by professionals! Izuku isn't a doctor nor a nurse- why does his dad rely on him?


Because he can make him younger. He can make the injuries go away as if they never happened. Hitoshi said no doctor can make something go away as though it never happened. Only he can do that.

Izuku sniffed, attempting to hold in some tears, He's just being used- that's it. "Am I... being used by my dad?" Izuku croaked out, ceasing Katsuki from completing his move. "Am I being taken advantage of? Is he just using me for my abilities?"

Hitoshi looked at Katsuki, then gave him a sad smile. He got up and gave Izuku a gentle hug, allowing Izuku to sob his little heart out. Bending his back so that he could hug Izuku, but still continuing to stand, he felt his heart crack.

Izuku finally realised it.

"We'll take care of you; you won't be in any more pain or scared or anxious, we won't let you be lonely or sad. We'll protect you. I promise," Hitoshi announced, fighting back his own tears.

Izuku froze in his hold, so happy to hear those exact words. "That's what I only want." Something his dad failed to say. Hitoshi told him. And that made him truly believe in Hitoshi's words.

He felt that same warmth beating in his stomach.

"I don't want to leave you guys," Izuku sobbed out, crying so hard. Hitoshi pulled him out of the stool and carried him to the couch, hugging him even tighter with Katsuki's help. "Please- I don't know what to do."

"Stay with us." Izuku didn't know who said it, but he did know he wanted to stay.

"I want to. I really do."

Katsuki held his hands, resting his head on Izuku's forehead. "We'll protect you."

"We promise," Hitoshi finished, pressing his lips to Izuku's cheek, resting a hand on his thigh.

Izuku felt his heart explode with warmth and butterflies. That's what the flapping was- butterflies.

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