Kingdom Dance

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"So.... Toshi... where are we headed?" Izuku asked, interlocking his fingers around Hitoshi's. He felt the other squeeze his hand in acknowledgement, tilting his head downward. Izuku became aware of Hitoshi's true height as they were standing next to each other and holding hands.

Putting it into perspective, he had to look up at Hitoshi by craning his neck at a 120° angle to see his purple eyes. The same goes for Hitoshi, but just the opposite. He towered over Izuku's height and could see his curly head from above. He went up to Hitoshi's shoulders and often had to stand on his tippy toes to wrap his arms around his neck.

It was endearing, but it wasn't anything new. His dad was taller than he was, probably two heads taller. If anything, he wondered if people could be shorter than he was.

"We're going to a city called Mustafa. It's where I live. I want to show you my place." Hitoshi explained, creeping past a tree. "We're nearly there, too."

Izuku giggled, "that's a funny name."

Hitoshi blushes madly, glancing away. "Gosh, why you're- uh nevermind."

Past the trees, Izuku and Hitoshi arrived in a neighbourhood with houses, fences, light posts, and cars. He was in awe as Hitoshi pulled him along, whipping his head around, looking at all the buildings. The city of Mustafa was large, with people walking along. Izuku asked Hitoshi questions, asking what things were and if he could check them out.

Hitoshi answered them all, rolling his eyes at his excitement. Izuku didn't mind; he was just enthralled.

The city was lovely. Every individual he encountered, with their distinctive qualities, made it clear to him how much he still needed to learn. People with horns, no hair, tails, and both large and small sizes went down the streets whilst behaving normally. Only a handful glanced his way briefly before turning their attention elsewhere, as though he were an ordinary person. Although distinct, being that way was common. It gave Izuku pleasure. No one appeared to recognise him, in contrast to the small town in the forest.

The caution to hold onto his hair went away as soon as they found a clearing with a fountain. A road for people, Hitoshi described it as. It circled around the fountain and divided off into other roads and passageways. Hitoshi explained that there was a rule to not go near it.

It made Izuku realise everyone obeyed rules in the city, not just him.

"Toshi," Izuku said as he sat beside him on a metal bench facing the water-spouting fountain. "Am I... weird?"

"What? No, no you're not. Just a little behind?" Hitoshi shrugged, pressing a hand to his chin.

"Hmm," Izuku hummed, "I guess."

"What made you think that?"

"Oh, just looking around at all the people made me realise how unique and similar I am to everyone. Every person I've seen has some special quality, like colourful hair, bright eyes, colourful skin, you name it. And there's me with green, long hair. I'm like everyone else, in a way. It also got me thinking that something isn't right. Like, look at everyone here. They all look like this is normal, the city and all that. But for me, this is all new. Is that normal?"

Hitoshi bit his lip and said, "It might be. Not everyone is accustomed to living in such a vast city. Everything would seem strange, especially for you since you have only ever lived in your house."

"I guess that makes sense." Izuku let out a sigh and put his head on Hitoshi's shoulder. He shifted his position to avoid sitting on his hair and pushed it to the side. Izuku noticed the mess his hair was in when it dropped to the ground. Some of the ends and strands were thinner than others and some were covered with mud. He frowned, "is there a way where I can make my hair shorter other than cutting it?"

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