The Green Bunny

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Pulling away from the embrace, they stared each other in the eyes. Inching closer, only centimeters away, breath blowing on their skin.

In a zap, Hitoshi bolted away, practically falling on his back.

"Toshi!" Izuku exclaimed, "you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm okay." Hitoshi's face was on fire. Sitting up, he did everything he could to not look at Izuku's adorable face.

He stood up, patting away the dirt. "I'll be back; I just need to take some time to think. Stay here, okay?"

"Oh, oh alright," Izuku said dimly.

Hitoshi left in a rush, a hand covering his blazing face. Izuku frowned as he dashed into the forest.

Sighing, Izuku lay on the ground, staring up at the canopy. His face was on fire, his cheeks pulsating.

Yawning, he curled up, tucking his hair around him as if he was in a nest. Closing his eyes for just a second, he snuggled into his hand.

Opening his eyes, Izuku yawned, stretching his arms. Cracking his knuckles, he glanced around. Leaves brushed against each other, wind flowing through them. A snapping shot, Izuku forward. Jerking his head, he saw a little creature staring up at him only a few feet away.

The green, fluffy rabbit seemed to have jumped out of a bush and twitched its nose. Izuku grinned, watching the animal. He felt his heart rate decline a tad, thankfully knowing the rabbit would inflict no harm.

Dad showed him an encyclopedia not that long ago, talking about all the different animals living in the forest. From his window, he could see squirrels, rabbits, and even deer! For a while, he had no idea what they were, hiding under his covers at the sight of a wolf. But when Dad explained to him that they were animals, he spent hours looking outside.

Although he'd never heard of green rabbits before. Maybe they're a new breed?

He gently lowered a hand to the rabbit's head, his eyes widening when the rabbit leaned into the touch.


His heart sank, tears breaking through his eyelids. The voice came from behind him, sending chills up his spine. Tightening up, he jerkily looked over his shoulder.

"Dad." Izuku choked out, his breath heavy with depth.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at home? "

Izuku nodded his head quickly, sobs threatening to jump out.

"Please come here." Dad held his arms out for Izuku. He rushed into the incoming embrace, squeezing his arms around his dad's back. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have left, and I apologise profusely! Please forgive me!"

"I missed you," Dad said, ignoring Izuku's apologies. "When I came home and you weren't there, I was terrified. My son was missing. Not only that, your healing abilities. What would happen if I came home and was bleeding out, hm? I would've died."

"Please," Izuku begged, "don't say stuff like that. You're not dead; you're right here. I can't lose you."

"And you won't. As long as you return home."

Izuku nodded quickly, "I will, I will, I will, I promise!"

Dad smiled, but that smile turned into a sickening smirk. "Good. I look forward to seeing you at home, Izuku."

He removed his arms around him, taking a step back. "Where are you going, dad?" Izuku asked with urgency. Stepping forward, he reached a hand out for him. Except, it went through him.

Gasping, he wretched his hand away, holding it close. "Dad?"

Nothing. Dad kept on walking.

"Dad!" Izuku yelled, sprinting forward to hug him. "Let me come with you!" He spread his arms wide and closed his eyes for the impact. Ready to feel the physical contact of a black suit, he squeezed them shut.


He hurtled forward, eyes flaring open, as he thrust his hands out to break the fall. Smashing into the ground, he rolled onto his side, holding his pained palms to his chest.


Creasing his eyes closed, he whimpered at the pain.

Unknown hands rested on his shoulders, shaking them.

Tears were popping out of his eyelids, and he opened his eyes to blink them away. A shadow covered his face, blocking out the canopy. Someone stared back at him.

"Izuku, are you okay?"

"Hitoshi?" Izuku asked in a haze, blinking.

"Yes, I'm here." Hitoshi gripped Izuku's hands, pulling him into an embrace. Rubbing his back peacefully, Izuku sighed as he pressed his face into his shoulder. "I'm not leaving."

"W-what happened?" Izuku choked out.

"I left and I heard you crying, so I rushed back, but I found you sleeping. You were having a nightmare."

"I-I was?"

"You were."

"It was all fake?"


"Oh, thank god," Izuku huffed, squeezing his eyes shut. "I'm so happy it was fake."

"Yeah? Nightmares really suck. Most of the time, your brain uses memories or emotions and creates a horror movie out of them." Hitoshi explained, mindlessly pulling Izuku onto his lap. "If you don't mind me asking, what was it about?"

"Just uh, I don't want to say."

"Okay? But if you feel up to it, please tell me. I want to help in any way I can. Besides, I'm your hero, remember? "

Izuku pulled away and smiled, "you are."

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