Chapter 9

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Welcoming you to the Scarlet Woods... Go ahead!


Adya and Srishti crossed the walk-bridge over the chuckling river only to step into the Scarlet woods. That place seemed abandoned though it smelled of life. The soil of the thick forest was red and both the girls had no idea where they were going on their own for it had been so long since they had visited that land. 

The plants swayed with the wind and they felt ghosted and they walked in with bare recollections. They had never seen the tribes of wild miracle though they lived like heroes in the myths that were told. Srishti pointed out to a tower that had camouflaged between the long trees. "That could be the miracle mines."

"I am already having different theories about that place." Adya was lost in her own world.

"They are always watching you..."

Srishti whispered, looking around. "I can feel many eyes on me. This isn't good, we do better get back and tell Grandma to deliver it."

"We are not going back, you are the next heiress." Adya made herself clear but she suddenly  screamed when a hand  came over her shoulder and her voice echoed loud enough for the bird to fly away. Srishti was startled by Adya and she turned behind.


Her mother's worries were muted as her father ran an arm through her shoulders, "She will show the world what real magic is..."

Her mother looked knowingly at Srishti who was swirling her fingers looking at the Sun. Dikshita welcomed a blessed smile along with Ayush who nodded at his mother Kashvi. She spread a smile that had a rare glint of happiness.

Sanvi and her husband had just been home for the usual weekend family lunch with Adya running the fastest to reach Srishti though they met everyday. They headed to the happy couple, "What is the good news?"

The parents smiled as  Kashvi  grabbed the beautifully carved little basket that always carried wild flowers from her secret garden and  she finally announced, "Srishti, you can come along from now." 

The innocent heart was overjoyed. She was released from the warmth of her parents  into the world beyond what she had known. She had no idea of how long she had waited to hear it from her grandmother. She had always seen her family elders walk into her place of myths but was she restrained like all other people though she belonged to the same family. She was finally going to her grandmother's secret garden. Srishti had asked before that why she wasn't allowed to go  and she was told that she was not old enough nor strong.

Srishti and Adya followed Kashvi through the back door of the house to the area behind the gazebo which was hidden by healthy trees. It was heavenly, perfumed and more colourful than a rainbow with little green grass to floral plants and medicinal leaves. She could only describe it as a little piece of land drifted away from the heaven. 

Kashvi asked them to pluck the flowers that caught their eyes and they done as instructed and followed her  to the river side. The Scarlet woods which had always been so near yet distant was now waiting for her, the next - so - said - heiress of the Dira Family. Srishti took her steps just like her grandmother and Adya followed her through the walk bridge over the river that led them to the Scarlet Wood. 

She stepped into the red soil and felt a wave of warmth hitting her and the urge of something in her body to be let free. She schooled a sigh and smiled at the sight of the woods. Kashvi asked her to follow the sound of the waterfall and so she did reach a tree that was grown taking a figure of a lady. It was the oldest among all the tress. Her leaves was like a crown to her but it was all red though it wasn't autumn and the leaves would never fall off. It always remained healthy and young, bearing different fruits, medicinal leaves and flowers. 

Kashvi handed over the basket, "Offer the flowers to the Mother Scarlet, promising that you will look after her and those who take care of her and her children and remember only you can enter here for helping them and don't let outsiders in other than your henchman or aide because some can run in but they might those under the evil influence of Adrima only wanting to destroy the forest and possibly the last link to magic for they want them to grow, taking over the Wild Miracles. So only our descendants should be here... because they have entrusted us with this duty, so now onwards its Srishti and your aide is going to be..." 

"Me, me... But her children?" Adya doubted looking around. "I don't think I see anyone around."

"They are always watching you and they don't want you to see them, the tribe of wild miracles who take care of Mother Scarlet and her children that is all the other plant life in this miraculous wood." Kashvi explained like a teacher.

"But what happens if others enter?" Srishti was eager like any child. 

"They cannot go further, they would be harmed by the tribe by their weapons, skills and magic because they believe others come only to fulfill their greed or need. The Wild Miracle only welcome magic." 

'Magic' echoed in Srishti. "Then how are we here, grandma?"

"Because we are magic. I will tell you a secret, come here."

Adya and Srishti leaned closer only to laugh out loud on hearing Kashvi. "Our family is magic because our ancestors are of the Lost Lands of magic."

Adya swallowed her laughter at that joke as Srishti smiled and obeyed her grandmother's steps. She headed down to the water fall to let the water till her ankle and washed her palms which held the flowers in between them and  she offered it to the tree and made a silent promise to herself to be the protector of the woods that was believed to house magic and was said to be the gateway to the Lost Lands. 

"Will I ever get to see to the tribes of wild miracle?" Srishti asked.

"When destined." Her grandmother smiled.

She looked at the sky and nodded to hear Adya whisper. "The stars doesn't own our destiny. We... our choices do, right?"

"But isn't our choices also planned?" Srishti doubted. "Isn't our whole story already written?"

"Try a plot twist." Adya winked, "Because I can't argue on that though it's a new topic to debate."

 "Let's go back to have the lunch and come back another day to see around. Okay? Your parents will be waiting."


But there was no another day back there with Kashvi. 

She even doubted whether the secret garden of her grandmother was still alive.

Srishti was immediately pulled back from her thoughts when she heard Adya scream and that only frightened her. Adya swore louder as she was turning behind to see who had placed a hand over her shoulder and she hit her toes on a rock and fall down with the courier in her hand. The box had fallen down and opened. Srishti helped Adya to get up and sat down to see what was in the package and she knew Adya would deal with whoever was stalking them.


*Drum rolling.* 

Truths cannot be concealed forever. Have the torches on, it's going to get dark sooner...

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