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"Just let me know if you ever feel uncomfortable," Tom told her.  "We'll leave."

"It sounds to me like you don't want to go."

"Well." He winced. "These things can be long and boring."

"Well this is my first one," she reminded him.  "I'm excited."

"I'm glad." He extended his arm. "Dr. Coleman.'

"Lieutenant Commander Kazansky." She slipped her arm through his and they waded into the crowd. 

The navy was hosting a gala for servicemen and their partners. Proudly arm-in arm, Sarah and Tom strode into the banquet hall together and joined the sea of uniforms and dress clothes. 

There were so many introductions, and with everyone dressed the same in uniform, Sarah was losing track of them all. She did recognize a few officers from Top Gun.

"Glad to see we ladies aren't as out numbered now as before."

Sarah spun around at the familiar voice. "Charlie!"

"Hey Sarah!" The two friends hugged. 

"And Pete!" Pete jumped in, giving her a hug as well. A one armed hug - his other arm was in a sling. He'd been in a crash and, in very Pete fashion, had not done what the doctor instructed and therefore injured himself further by going back to work too soon and not giving himself enough time to recover, so now he was back to the beginning. Very Pete indeed. 

 "Have you met Karen?" Slider's wife was very shy and Sarah had taken her under her wing and made sure to introduce her to everyone. She and Tom had attended their wedding, Karen and Slider's, the first big outing they'd made as a couple. But this one was the first time they were surrounded by so many pilots and other members of the navy. This time, she really felt like she was a serviceman's girlfriend. 

"Don't tell me you ladies have gotten the party started without me." 

They spun around at another familiar voice. "Carole!"

"Hi Hon!" Carole hugged them all.  "Wasn't expecting an invitation, but they surprised me." She smiled, eyes glassy with tears. 

"We're so glad you're here. It's only right." Sarah gave her another long hug. "How's Bradley?"

"Oh he's just growing and growing! He's already so tall! And he looks so much like Nick, my God!" Carole lay a hand over her heart. "My little boy, my baby."

"Goose would be so proud of you both."

"Thanks Honey." Then she gasped.  "Oh my God - Penny?" Carole suddenly moved through the crowd to a dark-haired young woman who looked to be about ten years younger than them.  "She's Admiral Benjamin's daughter. Long story short, Pete went crazy over her and then broke her heart," Carole whispered to Sarah.


"Hi Carole." Penny gave her a hug.  "Nice to see you."

"You too, Sweetie. This is Sarah, Lieutenant Commander Kazansky's girlfriend."

"Hi Penny, nice to meet you."


After Penny went to rejoin her father, the other ladies gathered around a table and listened intently while Karen relayed all the details of her wedding and honeymoon and married life so far.

"Aw Honey, sounds like you've found your match!" Carole squeezed her hand.  Then she turned to the blonde and brunette beside her. "And, what about you two? Any wedding bells in your future? Near or far?"

"I'm not so sure Pete is the kind of guy to want to settle down and get married," Charlie admitted. As if on cue, there came a loud hoot of laughter from across the banquet hall, unmistakably her boyfriend's. 

"Well maybe he'd just never met the right person before." Carole winked. "And-" Now she turned to Sarah, her smile even bigger, if that were even possible, which it clearly was.  "What about our infamous Fire and Ice?"

"Nothing yet, but I would love to marry him.  I still can't believe we're together, it just feels too good to be true." 

Carole squealed in excitement. "I tell ya, you're a match made in heaven, you two!"

It certainly felt that way. Sarah met eyes with Tom across the room and they shared a smile and wave. God, she adored that man. 

A wedding sounded like a great idea. She wasn't ready for that, not quite yet, but she liked the sound of it.  She would love to marry Tom - she felt more sure of  that than she ever had with David. 

There it was again, they kept coming back to it: Sarah and Tom. 

Fire and Ice.


On the drive home, Sarah was smiling.

"What?" Tom prompted, sensing something. 

"Oh, it was just nice to see all the ladies again. We were talking about weddings after Karen told us about hers."

"Oh yeah?"


"Is that what the big smile is for?" He was smiling too.

"Maybe a little. A wedding does sound like fun. But a lot of work, too. Not something I want to do now, but eventually..."

Tom reached over and took her hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. "Agreed."

"How about children?"

"I'd like a family."

"Yeah, me too. And you're so good with kids," she told him, remembering fondly him playing with his niece and nephew. "My parents have hinted, not so subtly, at wanting grandchildren."

"My mom too."

She laughed.  "Looks like we're all on the same page then."

He kissed her hand again and gave it a squeeze. "Looks like we are."

(Sorry this chapter took so long, I was having trouble with it setting up the next chapter. Anyways, here it is, yay!

Just saw the movie again - keeps getting better and better!

As always, thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed! :))

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