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Tom had Sarah laughing so hard at the restaurant that people from nearby tables were turning to look at them. She buried her blushing face in her hands to try and stifle her giggles. In fact, she was laughing so hard when their waiter came by he had to stand there for several moments awkwardly while Sarah tried to get her laughs to subside. 

Throughout many moments that evening, Sarah found herself just gazing across the table at Tom, lost in him - and more than a few times caught him doing the same. 

"I still can't believe you're here," she admitted - during a break in her laughter. "I mean, I was worried that even though we said we'd keep in touch we'd never see each other again. And we come from completely different worlds, and your job is so unpredictable-" As they knew. As they knew all to well.  "I know it sounds silly, but-"

"No, no, it makes total sense. Honestly, I felt the same. It feels surreal, being here, with you. But I wouldn't change it for anything." Their hands sat close together on the table, almost touching. 

They were so lost in each others gazes that they didn't even notice that the waiter had suddenly appeared again. 

"Pardon my interruption," he said, breaking into their long, lingering eye contact. "But have we decided on the menus?"

After placing their orders, Tom filled her in.  An update about Pete: he hadn't slowed down any and was back to his wild self - albeit a little more on the cautious side now in the wake of Goose's death.  He and Charlie were still together and going strong, about which she was glad to hear. And Pete had of course stayed close to Carole and Bradley and Bradley had just started school.

"Aw, Goose would be so proud of him, of both of them." Her heart swelled, picturing Goose's proud  smile.  "And did you get to visit your family?"

"I did - showed them the trophy."

"Ah, I bet they're very proud."

"Yeah, and not so surprised - I've always been  a perfectionist."

"You're a hard worker, and that pays off."

Their food arrived, then dessert and coffee. Then the bill arrived but they were in no rush to pay it and leave. The tables around them cleared while they stayed put, chatting and laughing together. Once again, neither wanted the night to end, ceasing their time together. 

"So - know any good stargazing spots in D.C.?" Tom asked with a grin. 

She grinned.  "I'm glad you asked - so glad." Then she winked and led the way out of the restaurant.

The view from the park was lovely, not as bright and clear being in the city, but still nice. It was a warm, quiet evening, perfect really, and the two found a bench beneath a tree to sit under, just gazing upwards at the stars in comfortable silence. Tom's arm found its way around the back of the bench around her shoulders, and she found herself leaning into him. Their knees bumped together when they both crossed their legs. 

"You know I end up thinking about you every night," his soft voice said. 

Her heart hammered and her stomach twisted at his words.  "Really?"

"Yeah, every time I see the stars I think 'there they are, there's the stars that Sarah loves so much.' I try to pick out some sometimes, but I'm not the expert."

She rolled her eyes playfully.  "I'm no expert."

"You're more of an expert than me. I have a newfound appreciation for them, thanks to you."

"Well I'm glad." She gave him a playful nudge. "Show me which ones you know."

"Oh boy - uh..." He tilted his head upwards.  "Let's see..."

It should have been more difficult to say good bye this time, but since they had just randomly found each other again, it seemed to hold a promise that they wouldn't be separated forever, and that brought with it a pleasing comfort. 

"Seriously, just stop by any time," she told him. "Even if I'm not there, my mother will be more than happy to talk to you." They shared a chuckle at this.  "Thank you so much for dinner, it was lovely."

"My pleasure. See you soon, Sarah." Again, a lingering promise. 

"Yeah, see you soon." And a seal for that promise.

When she unlocked and entered the house, she found a lamp on and her mother sitting on the couch with the newspaper. Rosa shot to her feet. "I saw he walked you to the door - isn't he just the sweetest!"

"Oh Mom!" Sarah rolled her eyes.  "I told you not to wait up."

"I know and I wasn't going to, honest," she added to her daughter's pointed look. "But I just couldn't help it, I was too excited! Your father was waiting with me - he was very interested too after I told him all about Tom, but he fell asleep."

Sarah chuckled. "Classic."

"So will you be seeing him again?"

"Sometime, but probably not while he's still here this time. But we promised to keep in touch." We always promise to keep in touch. 

"Well I'm exhausted, but tomorrow you have to tell us all about your time together! Oh, I really like that sweet young man!"

"Yeah," Sarah agreed. "I do too." And honestly, she was looking forward to telling them all about it. 

When she arrived at her office a couple of mornings later, there was a  gorgeous arrangement of bursting colorful flowers  on her desk, along with a note:

Thanks for making my stop in D.C. so special. Will look at the stars tonight and think of you.

Talk soon.

With love, Tom

With love.

Love, Tom


God, if she wasn't careful, that man was going to be her downfall - and she wasn't feeling like being very careful.

Honestly, the way she was feeling now, right there and then, she would welcome such a downfall.

Let it come.

(It felt only right to have a full chapter dedicated to their reunion ;) Haha! And don't worry, they won't be separated for as long this time - so excited for the next chapters to come!

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed as always! :))

The Sky and the Stars - Tom and Sarah KazanskyWhere stories live. Discover now