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The turn off led off the main road and to a dead end on a slight hilltop overlooking part of the city. It was just far enough away that the light pollution didn't  totally drown out the stars in the night sky, and the city sounds were distant, so it was very peaceful. 

Sarah got out of the car before Tom had barely parked it. "The stars are so clear out here, it's amazing."

"It is," he agreed, following her out into the night.

She sat down on the grass. "And if you really focus, you can almost pretend it's quiet." She closed her eyes, tilted her head upwards and smiled into the night, the stars as her witness. "I found this place when I was exploring after I moved here for the job. It quickly became my favourite."

"I can see why." He sat down next to her. 

"I feel so small being here, looking up at the sky. Just the vastness of it all - it's so fascinating. It just thrills me!" She chuckled and turned to him to find him smiling at her. "Is that what flying feels like?"


"You've got the sky, and I've got the stars."

"So it would seem."

They met eyes, thousands of stars twinkling magically above them. It was a beautiful moment, and she thought it would be the perfect moment to share a kiss, a kiss under the stars - that had always seemed super romantic to her. And Tom had lovely lips, lips that would break into the widest, brightest smile she had ever seen. And if she didn't catch herself staring into his blue eyes, she would be staring at those lips. Oh, she was a gonner... 

But she didn't kiss him, and he didn't kiss her.  She had made herself quite clear hadn't she? "I would never date anyone from work, period..." She had even told him the whole story behind it all, these rules, when only her friends and parents knew. She hadn't even told the ladies during their several hours together that evening. And Tom was a good guy, so he respected her self-imposed rules and nothing happened between them. And besides, it was still a beautiful moment, even without a kiss.

"Congratulations, by the way," she said instead.  "Rumour has it you won another training module, and are in first place overall." His team, him and Slider. But he seemed too humble to admit it, at least to her. "Two weeks to go - sounds like the competition is heating up."

"It sure is." He didn't say it, but she could tell there was another meaning behind his words.


"Yeah." Maverick and Goose were right behind him and Slider in the competition, in true rivalry fashion. "He's a good pilot, there's no doubt about it, but he's so reckless. Someday soon his luck's gonna run out and something bad will happen... He's gonna get hurt and hurt others too." He shook his head. "But I don't wanna talk about him."

"What do you want to talk about."

"Well we're  sitting under the stars, and I'm here with a NASA scientist and space expert, no less." She snorted at this.  "What are we looking at?"

Her gaze had never really left the sky.  "Well, if you look over there-" She pointed, which began a cycle of her pointing out each of the constellations they could see.

"They're all watching over us, from several lightyears away. And yet they still seem so big, so clear..." She could feel Tom's eyes on her, but she forced her gaze to remain up on the sky - she wasn't sure what she would do if she met those sharp blue orbs. 

She definitely liked Tom as a person, and enjoyed his company, and if the situation was different (aka they didn't work together) who knows where they would go. But she had her rules to keep to - perhaps though, she could still let her mind run wild.  Especially out here with just them and the endless sky of stars. 

They sat in comfortable silence on the ride home, save for the low hum of the radio and Sarah pointing out directions to her rental house. 

She found herself fighting disappointment when they pulled up in front of her place, still not wanting the night to end. However, she had also had a long, fun-filled evening, and it was catching up with her. 

"Thanks for the ride," she said when he parked in her driveway. Part of her brain was chanting kiss him! Kiss him! Kiss him! While the other part was telling her to say good night and get out of there before she did something she would later regret. Talk about mixed emotions. 

"Anytime. Thanks for taking me to your special place."

"Yeah, it is my special place, isn't it?" She liked that.  "I'm glad you enjoyed it. And technically you took me there, I just gave directions."


"And don't forget those constellations - there'll be a quiz at the end of the week."

"You can expect top marks, then."

"I will await them and get your gold star ready." They shared a chuckle.  "Good night Tom."

"Good night Sarah."

"See you tomorrow."

"You know it."

He waited until she was inside before starting the car and pulling away. She flicked the porch light on and waved to him from the front window as he drove away. 

Again, the ladies' words from earlier that night filled her mind as she watched him disappear down the dive: Ice and Fire.

She liked the sound of that.


"Hey, thanks a lot, Sarah."

"For what, Goose?"

"Ever since last night, my darling wife won't shut up about Iceman." He gave her a wink and a smile. 

Sarah could feel the heat rushing to her face. Oh, Carole. She was good. And now she'd gotten her husband on board as well.

"I would apologize but I don't feel very sorry about it." The words flooded out of her, surprising her and making Goose laugh. 

Be careful, Sarah, her mind was saying. But, in spite of herself and her own strict rules, Sarah found herself smiling.  

(Honestly, Goose and Carole's relationship is such goals, I love them, they're so cute! I especially love their 'Goose, you big stud!' exchange! I also love her friendship with Pete. 

Hope you enjoyed all the Tom and Sarah moments this chapter! So many more to come, just you wait!

And have I started a fourth Top Gun story? You bet I have! Pete's getting his own story from me! 

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed as always! :))

The Sky and the Stars - Tom and Sarah KazanskyWhere stories live. Discover now