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Tom walked her home and both stood on the front step to say their goodbyes. 

"I'm sorry if I was pushy-"

"No not at all. I'm glad we talked it through."

Though both felt far from resolved.

It didn't help that her parents were both waiting up for her this time. 

"Hi Sarah! How was your walk?"

"It was - fine..."

"Would Tom like to come in for a cup of coffee?" Rosa asked. 

"No, he has to go. And I'm exhausted after today - good night love you." She headed upstairs before they could reply. 

Her parents were, needless to say, very confused by her sudden change in spirit. 


Tom, being the perfect gentleman he was, let her make the move to reconnect when she was ready. She didn't reach him, only the voice mail machine.

"Sarah, there's another man at the door!"

"Ugh, Mom! Not again! Just let Tom in."

"But it's not Tom!"


"It's not Tom, it's someone else!"

"Who else could it be?" she muttered on her way to see who this mystery man was. She was shocked to find out.


"Hey Sarah."

"What are you doing here?"

"Who's Pete?" Rosa asked. 

Instead of answering, Sarah pushed Pete out the door and shut it behind them, continuing the conversation out on the front step, much like she had done with Tom during that first reunion. 

"What are you doing here?"  she repeated. 

"It's about Ice."

Her stomach fluttered and her smile grew.  "What about Tom?" She couldn't deny the excitement after having not communicated for a few months. 

But he didn't return her smile. And that's when she noticed he didn't have his usual signature Pete 'Maverick' glow. She'd only seen that after Goose's death. Wait - did that mean-

"N-no, don't tell me! Don't tell me!" She was spiraling fast, taking a dark, downward plunge. "No, please no!"

"Sarah, Sarah, it's okay!" he cried.  "Well, it's not okay-" He shook his head, starting over. "We were flying a mission together and there was a crash. He's been taken to a hospital in the D.C. area. We were close enough that it could be arranged."

She was in a daze. "Take me to him."

"That's what I'm here for - let's go!"

"Sarah, honey, what's wrong?" Rosa asked, noticing right away that something was off when Sarah re-entered the house. 

"Tom's hurt, Mom. He was in a crash and he's in the hospital - that's Pete out there, his wingman."

"Oh no-"

She was breaking down. "I love him, Mom, I love him and I've been so scared of it cause I don't want to lose him like Carole lost Goose - and I made up all those stupid rules so I wouldn't get hurt again, but it doesn't matter cause I will always worry about him now, whether we're together or apart."

The Sky and the Stars - Tom and Sarah KazanskyWhere stories live. Discover now