Chapter 18: Worry

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Smoking my 6th cigarette in the last hour, I stared at my cup of coffee and sighed heavily.

It was 8:32am and there had been no movement. And as stressed as I was about not seeing Arabella since the attack, I knew she was safe. Alec had refused to leave her side even though she was being hidden in a bulletproof room. And rightfully so, I would've beat him if he dared to leave her for even one minute. 

But now I craved to see her and make sure she was okay. But I know she loved sleep.

It's crazy how much she has changed already. She used to hate sleep due to her fucked up landlord delaying fixing her heating. But now, she is constantly surrounded by warmth. I spent thousands on the best bed, comfiest mattress and thickest duvet, just for her to have the best nights sleep.

And it pleased me to know I was the one who would give her that simple pleasure in life. It pleased me to know she would never have another bad night due to the cold.

Stamping out the end of the butt in the cigarette tray, I frowned at the neatly set up place mat for Arabella.

Of course, if I had thought those fuckers were still out there, I would have kept Arabella locked away. But little to her knowledge, the enemies boat was now a shipwreck at the bottom of the sea and their bodies had been taken far away.

"Morning boss".

Rolling my eyes as my top men sat down at the table, I slowly picked up my coffee and took a sip resenting the fact that they had arrived and not Arabella.

"I assume no follow up" I grumbled as I held my hand out to one of my men who instantly placed a cigarette into my open palm.

"Nope. Just the one boss" Jim sighed as he lit my cigarette.

"Good. At least now I can enjoy"-

Before I could finish my sentence, the door which blocked me from my sweet girl opened up to reveal the one person I had been worrying about all night.

But the happiness was short lived when I realise how Alec had conveniently dressed her. Short shorts, messy bun and a white tank top under one of my much bigger white dress shirts. But to make matters worse, my baby slept without a bra, which she should. But she failed to realise that her breasts were easily seen through her top.

Alec was either drunk, happy as high or sleepy to fail to notice.

Putting my cigarette out, I quickly grabbed a blanket off the side and instantly engulfed Arabella in it.

Squealing in confusion, Arabella allowed herself to be carried in my arms as I returned to my seat satisfied that no other man apart from Alec could stare at her.

"Here's the Princess. Sleep well?" Dom smiled as he held up the jug of orange juice.

"Y-yeah" she stuttered adorably. But I could tell she felt uncomfortable around the men. She probably only thought she'd see me this morning.

"Haven't you men got jobs to do. If anything changes, report back to me" I growled lowly not wanting to frighten Arabella.

Leaning back in my chair, I looked at Arabella as she admired the food that the catering staff were bringing out.

Not saying a word to her, I couldn't help but smile as she glanced back at me. Her eyes wide, almost doe like before resting her face on my chest.

"I missed you" she sighed as she attempted to wrap her arms around me.

"I missed you even more" I replied as I stabbed a fork into a cooked sausage and placed it before Arabella's lips.

I couldn't help but smirk as I poked the sausage at her lips, urging her to open her mouth and eat it.

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