Splendid and Splendont x Reader

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(I have just been messing up a lot when it comes to writing. I already misspelled Splendont as Splendora. Weird I know. This is my first time writing more than one character x someone, so please forgive me if it bad.)



I sat down on the roof of my house. Watching the sky as stars came our, one after another. I was supposed to go stargazing with Splendid tonight but... His hero work got to out of hand so he needed to get those done. Two best friends can't even stargaze without one having to bail out. And I thought that I would be alone, but it turns out that I was completely wrong.

"And what's a person like you doing up here alone?" Someone states cockily, a flying squirrel sat next to me. He was wearing a blue mask and had red fur. "It was supposed to be me and Splendid hanging out but..." "My dumb... Friend... Had his work cut out for him." He finished, I looked at him with lure surprise. Was this Splendont, the rival thay Splendid keeps telling me about. He's always told me to stay away from his brother but... His first impression on me is great. Nicest guy I know. Other than Splendid. "Are you-" "Splendont." He bluntly finishes, "I am Splendid's rival, as you probably already know." I chuckle slightly at his tone, "Splendid talks about you here and there." I spoke, we had a friendly conversation about life, and the stars. He's the one who filled the spot Splendid was supposed to be in. And overall, he's a very nice guy! I don't see any reason not to say hi to him.

"You know what it's like to be... compared to and to be in someone's shadow, right?" I asked quietly, looking away with discomfort filling my veins. "Of course, all the time. I am Splendid's rival, the rival to the great hero... But I turned out to be more of a villain." 'Wha? A villain? No way, I don't belive it!' "That can't be true!" I protest, knowing I can't win, "you're really nice! I would never think of you as a villain!" I explain with worry and caution, if he is a villain then I should be careful but... "That's a first..." I heard him mutter, he completely looked away from me. 'Did I make him made? Uh oh.' "I... I didn't make you uncomfortable did I?" Moving my hand towards his shoulder in hopes of comforting him, "no you didn't." "Well then." I stand up and jump off the roof, landing in my backpack, "I have to go to bed. See ya Splendont!" I excitedly shout, before rushing inside and going to sleep.

Splendont POV

They just jumped fucking roof and landed on their feet like it was nothing. What are they an acrobat? It was amazing, and they were... nice. I guess hanging out with others really is nice... But they said Splendid doesn't want me near them? What does that mean? He never says anything like that, and he's supposed to be the nice one. I quietly get of the roof and wall back, it's no fun flying home and missing all the scenery. And the moon was gorgeous, it was a cresent moon with no clouds in the sky, perfect for stargazing. 'Maybe we'll meet again tomorrow...'

Time skip - brought to you by my house


I woke up early, brush my teeth, toke a shower, did my hair, all that stuff. It was a routine after all. I sit at my table alone and watch the wildlife that roamed my yard. When I heard a sinister laugh coming from my back door. 'Great... Fliqpy is back.' I put my dishes away and run to my room and hide in my closet. Where else do you want me to hide? Under the bed? He's already found me there once. Desk? It's way to easy to spot me if I hide there. I haven't hidden in the closet, considering he normally doesn't come. So I just sit, in the closet. Alone and scared. Do I wanna die? Absolutely not! I would prefer not to die at all... But that is impossible here.

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