[•Chapter 13: A Fight•]

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Gabriel stumbled in his step, he was inside the beast.
Wires, Bodies of animatronics, devices and dead corpses.
"Ugh. . .  Even if I'm use to it, I still hate the smell.", Gabriel began to run through the wires, closing his eyes at times each time a device screen had Afton's face on it laughing.


Monty smashed in his Virus Version,:"TEACHES YOU FOR HURTING INNOCENT PEOPLE!!!", Monty looked over at Chica,"WILL YOU TWO STOP EATING TRASH!!", they both turn to Monty, before Monty could yell again he was tackled by Virus Roxy,"FUCK!!", "MONTY!", Roxy was quick to help!
Michael screamed as he dodged his sister's large scissor hand,"YOU'RE CRAZY!!!", "CRAZY?!?! I'M GOING TO MAKE DADDY PROUD OF ME AND AVENGE EVAN!!!", Vanessa swung a pipelead at Eclipse, it broke one of his Sun Spikes and Moon used the wires to wrap around Eclipse to keep him still!


He's at the core!
Gabriel hit a button and the screen flickered,"Okay; To disconnect Afton I just need to answer the question and I can disconnect him from the power!", Gabriel read the question and all he had to do was type-
Gabriel was tackled to the ground, looking up he froze,"CASSIDY?!?", "WHAT ARE YOU DOING, GABRIEL?!?!", they did not look happy at all to see him.


Monty threw them into the Lava, Chica was sad to see her Trash Buddy go but Afton's wires began to try and snatch them up!
"Come on Mikey~"
Michael held his arm, her blade had ripped his arm open but he turned to her,"It doesn't have to be like this. . .!", "Oh it does~ My revenge for daddy and our brother.", Micheal stood up properly, taking his hand from the wound,"YOU SERIOUSLY WANT TO MAKE FATHER PROUD?!?!? HE MURDERED INNOCENT PEOPLE!!", "Maybe so, bur our brother was murdered by you.", Micheal then heard the cracking of molten lava.
. . .


Gabriel was now face to face with Cassidy and Evan Afton.
"Cassidy this is how it can end, we can defeat Afton!"
"I want him to suffer like we did, he's going to rot here until the end of time."
"What about them?!"
Gabriel hit the screen of a TV, showing the fighting going on,"They're innocent people!", Cassidy shook her head,"Innocent people need to die for Afton to be gone, it's a sacrifice we need to make in order to-", then there was a loud roar, they turned to see Gabriel had pulled the plug,"WHAT-HOW!?", "It's over, Cassidy! I refuse to sacrifice others for revenge!", and Gabriel ran,"YOU GET HIM, I'LL SEE WHAT I CAN DO!!!", so Evan ran after Gabriel while Cassidy tired to fix the situation.


Gabriel appeared with Evan,"Evan-!?", "NO TIME, THIS PLACE IS GONNA BLOW!!!", they ran for the exit.
Sun didn't move, he turned to them,"I'm too dangerous to be kept around, I killed those kids. . . I hurt you and I hurt my own brother. . .", Sun turned to them, shook Michael's hand as he backed up,"I'm so sorry. . .", "Sun, WAIT!!", but Sun glitched as he fell into the hole of lava,"NOOOO!!!!", Moon tired to run to Sun but Monty grabbed him,"WE HAVE TO GO MOON, I'M SORRY!!!", "SUN!!!", they ran as Monty carried Moon out.
Baby held her by the neck,"I AM BIT GIVING UP TILL I MAKE HIM PROUD!", Vanessa glared,"YOU CAN BY JOINING HIM IN HELL!!!", before Baby could slit her throat, Micheal kicked Baby into the hole of Lava below,"GO JOIN HIM!!! I'LL SEE YOU BOTH IN HELL!!!", Micheal grabbed Vanessa's hand and they sprinted out of the building.


They all watched as the building finally collapsed into the Lava.
"Woah. . ."

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