10- Father

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I smiled as I got a nearby brush after realizing we were in an old apartment building, and started to brush her hair. I tied the ends of the blanket together before I gently tied her hair up with the ribbon.

"This is frail. So you need to be careful, okay?" "Okay momma!" She smiled as she waited. I just tied it into a normal bow near the bottom of her hair as she smiled.

She has long, mostly dark red hair with white tips, which seemed to contrast with her aquamarine and violet eyes. She smiled as she looked back at me. I smiled too and spoke.

"I'm not good with designing hair, but I hope it's okay." She nodded and smiled. "I like it Momma!" I nodded and held her. She leaned back on me and we both relaxed, me slightly tense while I kept my guard up. I kissed her forehead and she smiled as she curled in my lap.

"Momma..." I sighed as I stared at her, petting her hair.

"Sleep, Mizuki." She nodded as she relaxed, curling her legs while she snuggled in my chest. I put her blanket in her lap too, laying the supplies next to me. I smiled as I stared down at her, still petting her hair and braiding the small strands I left out.


We were both surprised and I looked up as I glared. There was suddenly about 30 humans here and I grumbled. I stood Mizuki up before I stood up.

"This is annoying..." Mizuki stared and cried. She latched onto my leg and looked at me as I kept her behind me.

"What do you humans want?" I glared before there was a surprised voice.

"Wait! You're the disguised human we met earlier!" We all looked as I simply put my hands on my katana's handle. Rekkotaru was ready and bloodthirsty as he waited to be unsheathed.

"Oh, it's you six humans." I simply said and they were confused, seeing my eyes. Yuichiro stepped forward and spoke. "Wait, but... your eyes are still human... Not red." He was confused and looked back at the assumed leader of the group from before.

"You said she claimed herself to be a pureblood." My expression was blank as I took my rapier and slashed blood at the four snipers with them.

"This is the one time I'm willing to have a civil discussion." I told them as I sat down. Mizuki ran and clung to me as she hid behind me.

"Momma..." "Stay behind me for now, Mizuki." She nodded and put my cloak around her to have an extra level of comfort for herself. The humans glared, knowing they couldn't hurt a child. I stared and spoke to the assumed leader.

"You. You especially gave me that woman for Rekko's revenge. Now, tell me, who's the father of the baby?" I asked and he glared.

"I am, you bastard! Give me back my child!" Mizuki flinched and held me tightly. I gently pat her head and spoke.

"Volume down, human. I've been taking care of her for a year, and I've been looking for you the whole time, but you've been too cowardly to return here until now, with all these other humans defending you. Against one little woman. You couldn't return without approximately 30 others, and now you claim righteousness over a child who's terrified of you and whose mother you watched get tortured."

He glared and pulled out his cursed gear. I waited and spoke.

"Mizuki, you will still be going with him. With our deal, your father has been found. I'm simply correcting his manners first." She cried and held me tightly as she whined.

"I don't wanna leave you momma!" She tugged on my shirt as I picked up her and her gifts, wrapping them in the blanket again. "Don't worry Mizuki, I know you can take care of yourself, even with rowdy humans. But you will need to mostly forget me." She cried and held me tightly.

Red Lover (Mikaela Hyakuya x Pureblood Reader)Where stories live. Discover now