4- Eyes

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When we arrived to the base, the vampires left the plane first and I spoke.

"Crowley will mainly oversee this as I ordered him. However, prepare housings for the groups to be made. Adjust meals as necessary. Follow their diets however possible and advise to the doctors however you must." "Yes, empress!" I was confused with the name change but Crowley smiled.

"Don't disappoint your empress! Get on with the operations and when you're done, we shall all meet in the entrance hall of her castle with the necessary humans!" He announces and I looked at him, the only emotion on my face being mild confusion. The vampires all bit their thumbs and let a drop fall before leaving.

"Crowley." "Yes empress?" "Whats with that new title?" I asked him and he smiled. "I suppose us lesser vampires had all unanimously decided that the title 'Queen' wasn't fitting enough. Especially after hearing what that human said about your title." I sighed and mumbled.

"Crowley..." The humans were all being shuffled out and questioned. Ningen was specifically kept from the visiting human at the moment so he wouldn't rip his head off. I sighed and turned away, speaking before I left completely.

"It's a strange title. But if you all agree to use it. Including the vampires of other factions, then I suppose I'll allow it." He nodded as he smiled.

"Alright everyone! I'll be back before 22:00! Behave and follow orders!" He smiled before turning. I sighed as he jumped back into the helicopter and flew away. I watched before turning and leaving to my castle.

I sighed as I sat in my room, looking around before grabbing the items Shinya and Masura gave me, barely smiling as I held them close to me.

Shinya had given me an quartz carved into a fairly good but not perfect tiger and I smiled when I saw it. Masura had given me an old notebook he used as a sort of health diary for me. It was about a quarter way filled, him having given it to me just before being taken away. I continued to write in it once a decade for myself and so that I could give it back to him and he'd know how I've been.

I barely smiled but my eyes softened as I hugged them to my chest.

"(Y/n). I'm coming in." I gasped with Lest's sudden arrival and didn't have time to hide them again. I just blushed when he saw and he smiled when he realized, closing the door behind him and sitting next to me.

"You miss them. No need to hide that from me." "Brother..." I mumbled and he smiled as he pat my head.

"Don't hide it from me. I'll take longer before coming in. But I was told that you had just gotten here, so I doubted you decided to change." He smiled and I nodded. "Do that... I'm just worried." "Keep them on you. It should make you feel better. And if they are out there and recognize them, then it'll be good that you find them again." I looked at them, my eyes still soft, before smiling as I nodded.

"Yeah... I'll do that..." He seemed happy and pat my head. "The smile is nice. I hope I can make you smile more." I blushed and unsheathed my katana, holding it to the right side of his neck. He smiled and used his cane to push it away.

"Alright (Y/n). But I did want to see how your first faction was doing." "As if you can say much. I am the world's first faction by your choice." I told him, putting the two things away now, my eyes slowly losing the light in them again. He nodded and smirked.

"Of course. And the others are training. Preparing to hold their own factions." I nodded and sheathed my katana again. He smiled and spoke.

"Oh yeah. It's not exactly normal to attack those you love. So if you see the two, don't try to cut their heads off." "I only did it to you because you planned to tease me." He shrugged and I got up.

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