ArtemisxReader Puppy Eyes

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The Fowl manor... Or is it mansion... Gods I can never remember.

Anyways, it was usually quiet. I walked to Arty's room and opened the door quickly after knocking. No one.

I walked down the hall to his. My heels clacked loudly against the wooden flooring.

Nearing to study door and contemplated if he just ditched me.

We barely hung out at all. We've only been friends since the start of school which was two weeks ago. Heck, I never got a chance to talk to him.

How are we friends if this happens. I have no clue but we are. That, or the fact I had to show him around the school even after he memorized the blueprints.

I smirked as I flashbacked to the time I ran into him.

I was running to my first period because I was late and on my first day. I'm never late, even on my first day. Unless I was helping a teacher.

Sprinting down the hallway, failing because sports isn't my forte, I crashed into someone who happened to come around the corner. I squeaked in surprise. Nuuuuuuu, I don't squeak... if I do it's not in surprise.

I stood up holding my hand out to the person I crashed into.

"Sorry..." I mumbled. I looked at the person who I knocked over. He had black hair and piercing blue eyes. He was pale. Very pale.

"Watch where you are going next time." he snapped at me.

I pulled back.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, you moronic imbecile."

I narrowed my (E/C) eyes at him, a scowl working its way onto my (S/T) face, but I still held me hand out. He grasped it and I helped him up.

"If anything, you should watch where you're going," I snapped back, "After all, it's not like you couldn't hear me running ('failing at it' I added in my head) down the hall."

His eyes widened in surprise I could tell instantly he wasn't used to that response.

"And besides, Im not a moronic imbecile. I probably have a higher Intelligence Quotient than you do."

He was shocked for a second, then he regained his composure.

"I highly doubt that. Though you might have half of my Intelligence Quotient. Im just a little shocked you know what that means." he smirked a vampiric-like smirk at me.

I smirked back at him and held out my hand.

"(F/N). (F/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you..?"

"Artemis Fowl."

"Ah. So, are you a hunter?"

" I'm a hunter of sorts."

Yup. Nothing like crashing into people. And then becoming there sorta friend.

I opened the door to his study and what I saw made me smile.

Artemis was sleeping on his arms that where crossed and laying on his desk. He was slouching too.

He looked peaceful. A small smile was on his face. Not a smirk just a tranquil smile.

I sighed and walked over to him. Shaking his shoulder slightly I whispered, "Arty, if you continue to sleep like this you'll probably get back pains."

He groaned as his eyes fluttered open. His blue eyes looked less piercing.

"Wha... Oh. Hello (F/N)."

"Come on. Its obvious you're still sleepy and it doesn't help if you stay up all night doing homework. I'll help you to your room." I chuckled.

"How did yo-"

"It's on the desk and you have bags under your eyes."

We slowly walked to his room and I opened to door. He stumbled over to the bed dragging me with him.

He flopped onto the bed and pulled me down with him.

"Arty what are you doing?"

"Stay with me?" His cheeks glowed a dark red as he looked at me with puppy eyes. And let me tell you, you can not resist his puppy eyes, especially when you first see them.


He wrapped me in a hug and held me close as he snuggled his face into my neck. Soon after he fell asleep I kissed his cheek then followed suit.

I woke up to 'awww's and 'They look so cute together's.

I opened my eyes to see Juliet, Butler, a very short woman with auburn hair and Artemis' Mother and Father looking at us from the doorway.

The shut the door after Juliet took some photos of us. I soon started to drift off to sleep when I heard Artemis sleep-talk, "I love you (F/N)..."

I smiled and repeated him.

"I love you Artemis."

I fell back into the darkness of dreamland once more.

Little did I know he was awake. And he was awake when I kissed his cheek too.

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