9 - Kira/Shawn

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I'm standing in the kitchen peeling potatoes. I have left the 'door' open so that I don't have to open it all the time. I have to get something done about that; I just don't know what. Should I ask the tree if I can have a normal door? I shake my head and chuckle. Who needs to ask a tree for a door? My life is so weird!

Just then, I hear Hillary's voice call out. "Hello? Anybody home?" I breathe a sigh of relief. I'm so happy that she made it through the forest. It would have broken Sharon's and Shawn's heart if they couldn't trust her.

"Coming." I go out to the entrance to greet her. She drops the bags and hugs me tightly, making me smile and I hug her back.

"I'm so glad that you're okay. When I heard... I didn't know you couldn't mark each other. If I had known..."

I put my hand on her shoulders. "It's okay. I'm fine now." She sighs in relief.

"And thank God for that. Or is it goddess?" I chuckle. "Goddess." She smiles at me and says, "A woman. I like it." We laugh and go into the kitchen where she sits down at the kitchen table.

"Do you want something to drink, Hillary?"

"Coffee would be nice." I smile at her and nod. "Coming right up." She looks around the kitchen and asks, "Where are Sharon and Shawn?"

"They went for a run." She lets out a sigh and nods. "Ah yes. I can imagine that they needed that. How are they?" I think for a moment. "I think they are okay but the news about everything is hard on them." She clenches her jaw and says through gritted teeth, "Yes, my 'dear' brother. That son of a..." She stops and I quirk a brow. "Bitch?"

She chuckles as she nods again. "Yes. That."

I pour her a cup of coffee and sit down just as Shawn and Sharon comes in. Hillary lets out a big sigh of relief before she jumps out of her chair to hug them. "Oh, thank God." I look at them with a smile on my face. Even though Williams actions must be hard on Shawn and Sharon it must still be nice to have a family. I don't know if they have a mother but at least they have an aunt that loves them.

"Hi aunt Hillary. How are you?" Shawn asks her before he comes over to me, bends down and gives me a soft kiss.

Hillary sighs again. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. How are you two?" Both Shawn and Sharon swallow before he says, "Good, considering everything." Hillary shakes her head. "I can't believe that William would do that. What was he thinking?"

Shawn sits down next to me and Sharon next to Hillary. "I don't know. He deliberately risked Kira's life..." Shawn starts. "And yours!" I say with an anger filled voice and Hillary clenches her jaw. "Argh, I could kill him!"

"Get in line," Sharon says.

Without realizing it, my hand has moved over to Shawn and my fingers draws slow lazy circles on his thigh. He pulls my chair against his and wraps his arm around my shoulder. Hillary watches us and says, "I'm really happy that you two found each other."

We look at each other and his thumb runs over my jaw. "Yeah." I lean in and inhale his scent. Sharon smiles with a quirked brow. "What does he smell like?" she asks. I look at Shawn and smirk.

"Don't you dare!" he says in a firm playful tone. Sharon's smile widen. "Now you have to tell me!" I get a mischievous glint in my eyes and without looking away from Shawn, I answer, "Strawberries."

He drops his head down and groans. Me and Hillary are laughing and Sharon looks like she just got the best Christmas gift ever.

"You're going to pay for that, flower girl!" he says. Small green sparks form in my hand, and I smirk. "Bring it on, furball!" Sharon and Hillary bursts out laughing and Shawn's lips crashes on mine.

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