The Fool//Ryn Weaver

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I tend to stack the deck with wild cards
You're betting all you got on a broken heart
I say don't, oh
But now you know, oh
{The Fool, Ryn Weaver}


You'd think that with Tyler out of the picture,
Our relationship would be perfect
That's just irrational,
We had problems before Tyler
And those problems still exist



"Unbelievable. Even in rehab, Tyler's the name on everyone's tongues," I tell Zoe, whilst flipping through channels.

"Well, he did attempt suicide, Connor, and he is a celebrity," Zoe responds, levelheaded as usual.

"Ugh, I just want him out of my life."

"I know Connor, but-," Zoe's phone rings, "Hello? Yes, and.... What!? What, no. No, don't do anything. I'm on my way."

"Zoe, what-"

"They fucked up the labels on my makeup! I have to go fix the mess these idiots made! Ugh!"

So much for levelheadedness.

"Talk to you later, Con," Troye steps through the door right before Zoe gets to it, "Move, Troye," she yells and pushes him out of the way.

"What's up with her?" he asks me.

"The label company messed up the labels on her makeup," I tell him.

"Ah," Troye says as he sits down.

"You're home early."


"Well... Why?"

"Because I missed you!"

I just stare at him.

Not once has he came home early just because he "missed me".

"Okay... I have news."

"Good news or bad news?"

"It depends on your stance on parties."

"We were invited to a party?"

"Close... We're hosting one!"

I almost choked on my spit.



So apparently we're throwing a party.

In our apartment.

I'm 100% not okay with this, but it's for Troye.

He's almost done with his album, and he's been super excited about it.

He walks around the apartment humming the songs, and in the shower he sings them.

I'm just so proud of him.

The party's tonight, in a few hours.
Joe came by to help set up, Zoe couldn't make it to the party, let alone help plan it, not that there was much planning involved, because of her label crisis.

I feel like for the first time in forever, *Frozen song starts playing*

No, but really for the first time in a long time, we're finally in a good place, I'm finally in a good place.


//The Party//

The music's loud, but the people are quiet.

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