Chapter 14 - It's Over

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No one's POV

Katerína and Hermione walked into the great hall, the blonde with an arm around her, once again, girlfriend's shoulders. Katia spotted Harry in the distance, leading to her sending him a small smile, as if saying thank you. I mean, he was the first person to really know about their relationship, and also the one who supported them the most.

He smiled back, sending her a nod. Katerína then looked away, her eyes landing on the youngest Weasley boy. "I'll be right back." Rina said, before walking away. "Hey." The Alvárez girl muttered. "Hey." Ron mumbled back. "I- I'm sorry. For lying to you about not having feelings for Hermione anymore. And I'm not even gonna make any excuses. It was wrong of me to lie about something like that, and it was wrong of me to go after her anyways." Katerína apologised.

Ron was silent for a while, looking down at his feet, before slowly lifting his head up and responding with, "If this happened last year, I would've probably hated your guts for a really long time. But... I've grown up from that. So, apology accepted." The redhead replied, giving her a smile, which she returned.

"I would offer you a hug, but I don't really do that to people, so how about a firm handshake?" Katia offered, reaching her right hand out. Ron chuckled before shaking her hand, both of them parting ways, Ron going to Harry and Hermione, while Katerína went to look for Draco.

Katerína's POV

After walking around for a while, looking for a certain blonde slytherin, I found him talking with Blaise. "Hi." I uttered out. "Hello." He greeted back, a small grin spreading onto his face. "I'll leave you two alone." Blaise declared, walking away from us.

Though, before I was able to speak, the blonde boy cut me off, saying, "I wanted to thank you." I furrowed my eyebrows, asking him, "For what?" He sighed before answering with, "For being my friend. In sixth year. Even after I cheated on you, and you started hating me, you still helped me through everything. Not a lot of people have the luxury to have a best friend. I'm just glad that you could be mine."

Draco's grin only grew wider, while my mouth dramatically curled up as well, not able to contain my happiness. "Well I'm glad to call you my best friend as well." I stated. Silence filled the air for a few seconds before Draco broke it by saying, "You know what, I don't even care about what you're gonna say about this-" He cut himself off before wrapping his arms around me tightly.

I tensed up from the sudden physical touch, slowly calming down and hugging him back. And at this moment, when my best friend and I were embracing each other, I finally felt loved. And yes I did have my aunt, but I have so much more now. I have a girlfriend, I have a few new friends, I have a best friend.

I mean, this just proves, my wishes came true, my hopes became real. And I finally got my happily ever after.

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A/n: And that is the end of the 'wish to be happy' series. I honestly can't believe I finished this book. This was the first ever book series I've made on this app, so pls forgive me for how sh*tty it was at the beginning, but I would like to believe I have improved from then. I hope you enjoyed the book series and liked the ending. I will be adding a few more chapters to show the future of 'Herrína' (it is kinda a bad ship name but sucks to suck.) Anyways, ik dis is totally a super emotional moment for everyone, and not a good time to advertise my other books, but I'll do it anyways. If u thought my writing was good and want more books, I have another hp fanfic 'stay with me' which will be a series, and an original book 'love bomb' which will also be a series, but currently both only has one book out, but I'm working on it! And as I usually say, ENJOYYY!!

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