Chapter 16

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Thanks to @theoutsidersfreak for a crazy cool banner!

 I walk freely along the path, into the heart of the pack, with my guards following strictly behind me. With each step, I wait for something to be set off, some triggering effect in my mind to suddenly release all memories of this place from when I was a child. With each step, I am pulled further away from Alpha Kenn's house, but I continue with no plan of stopping. Am I supposed to feel lost here? Though I did not venture off much, a part of me is still hoping for a familiar building or area. It is when I come up to a set of homes, that my fingers begin to tremble, shaking slightly with anticipation. Finally, something familiar, the air smells of something I have tasted before, something pliable so I can bend it to mean what I want.

I continue along and study each house as we pass by, gazing up the structures from foundation to roof. My eyes act as a metal detector, waiting for an alarming beeping noise to yell that I have found something valuable, something memorable. My feet mold footprints in the slightly muddy dirt beneath them, as it rained last night, and I heard every bit of it. I hardly got an hour of sleep. The childish fear of a nightmare was keeping me up, and I could not selfishly call my mate, as he must have things to do in the working while I do not. Alpha Kenn gave me the day to wander about while he does whatever it is he has to do before we start where we finished off with our conversation last night. Naturally, I agreed and dressed for the colder weather before heading outside. This particular temperature makes me think about snow, and if it will happen. I have seen, felt, and played in snow before, and I enjoyed it, especially as a child. Something about the white, smooth blanket draped across the forest makes me feel lost, yet in a good way.

Coming up to another set of buildings, I scan them again, waiting for the beep. With an absurd amount of time to waste, I do not become disappointed when nothing triggers the sensation inside of me, the familiar one. The guards continue to trail behind me and my curiosity flares at the sight of people, pack members. Instead of shying away, I pick up speed. I am not planning on talking to them, or waving, or smiling, but whatever happens, happens. Since I will most likely never see these people again, I take the opportunity to practice my public skills, how I will act among others who are not Sebastian, Henry, my Grandmother, Fiona, Marina, or Alpha Kenn. It is a made-up skill in my head, but it gives me something to do while I wait.

I walk by, they look at me, I look back at them, I pass, and that is all.

"Luna, is there something in specific you would like to do?" Will, one of the guards whose name I learned this morning, asks and I shake my head.

Then I see it, my familiar, triggering building and the beeping rings in my head like an alarm clock. It is more than I ever could have hoped to remember. My childhood home.

Without a single thought, abandoning Sebastian's rule, I hurry towards the house like it is set on fire and people need rescuing. The white color now looks to be off-white, and there are small chips in the paint, but it is overall a bundle of memories. The guards ask what I am doing when I rush up the steps and walk along the tiny porch, running my hand along the railing, expecting a splinter but getting none. "This was my house," I tell them.

Turning to the door, I suddenly knock while holding my breath. No one answers. I knock again, turning blue. Again, no answer. With an urge, I turn the handle, and the door slips open, revealing little of its holdings.

"Luna, I do not know if you should go in there."

As if the rules do not apply to me, I peek my head in and steal a quick glance. It is empty. No one lives here. Before I know it, the walls pull me in, and I disappear from view as the house swallows me up. Ignoring the Guard's rapid footsteps, I steadily look around, examining the room. This was the living room, and off to the right is the kitchen, so that is where my feet take me next. My fingers feel the flat, sleek countertops and are coated with a thin layer of dust when I tug them away. This place seems to be untouched, maybe since I left. The guards watch me as I venture about, but I tell them to stay downstairs when I finally reach the steps. They obey, and I begin to climb.

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