The Moon Without Stars

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"Ayo!?" you say pushing him away.

"What?" He says shrugging his shoulders, looking confused at you.

"You really think I'm going to kiss you?" You grumble twirling your drawstring. And looking away.

"Well.." he says, "In my culture kissing is how we give apologies". He said with a cheesy smirk

You laughed "Is that so?" You raised you eyebrows in scarcastic disbelief.

"Yes?" He says squinting with a guilty smile.

"Right..." you glared at him, "I literally just met you a few hours ago..."

"That's doesn't matter.." He rolled his eyes. He tilted his head at you his ears perking up.

"You kidnapped me.. and now you expect me to kiss you?" You were quite upset at the idea that your kidnapper was a weirdo and a dumbass.

"..." Ben stayed quiet for a while thinking about the situation, "Well.. I uh.. yea i do" he says grinning. You smack the back of his head, "OW!". He groaned rubbing his head.

"I'm leaving-" you said abruptly before standing up and starting to walk off. "Good luck with that darling~.. you can't go anywhere safe!" she yelled after you, you shook your head and walked off.

You walked away from him, it seemed to be getting dark so you quickened your pace a bit trying to find some way out of this hell.

"Where ya headed to?" You hear from behind you, here we go again... You spin around to face him, he was floating a few inches off the ground to look down on you, "Away from you-" you said glaring into his soul, as if he had one.

He frowned at your remark, he held his hands behind his back. "Well.. just so happens that's where I am headed as well.." he said with a mischievous grin that lit up his face. You let out a frustrated sigh, "How do I get out of here?" You say fed up with his shenanigans.

"Ah... you see.. you can't" his smile turned malicious as his eyes glowed a more hostile red. "You're stuck here... with me.." His grin turned to that of Cheshire cat's, and a dark aura seemed to spread around him.

You're taken back by his sudden mood change. She takes a few steps back from him, "What the hell is up with you?" You say as a sudden anxeity filled your heart and soul. "Aw are you scared of little old me now?" He says mocking her as if she was some sort of lost dog.

You're eyes widen and your heart starts to pound inside your chest as if it's going to leap out at any second. "I-im not scared of you Ben-!" you say as your breathing hitched.

"Oh but I can tell you are darling~" He stared into your soul, as if he could see what you were thinking and feeling as he inched closer to you. He laughed magically, "What happened to the tough kid huh?". He tilted his head as he talked, he became closer and closer until you could feel his cold breath on your face.

You were frozen in place, completely taken back by the monster before you. "What the hell are you!?" You shout trying to back up again.

"I AM BEN DROWNED" He said, his voice turned demonic and his pupils turned into cat-like slits. "I tried to be nice to you y/n.." His voice turned into a glitchy, childish laughter.

"You kidnapped me!" You shout back at an attempt to stand up for yourself, "You're crazy!" Your hands ball up into fists and you breathing quickens.

His face tilted to the side as he makes a mocking pouty face, "You're so mean
y/n..." He teased, his face turned back to that sinister grin as his glitchy childish laughter echoed the world.

He vanished out of sight, your eyes dart all around as you look all around you to see if he's actually gone. You had a feeling he would be back. Your heart started to calm down and your breathing went back to normal. You wiped your eyes not realizing a few tears had formed.

Night had fallen and the moon looked down upon you as your only source of light. There was nothing but open field and tall grass and maybe a few rocks every hundred feet. You were officially alone in the dark, your heart sank to your stomach. Though being in the dark wasn't bad, it was being alone in the eerie quiet that bothered you. Only the ambient noise of the pixelated grass kept you company.

You decided to just walk until you were tired. You came upon a large rock and you sat against it leaning your head back and looking at the matte black sky. Where are the stars? You thought, is this really how he lived? Here alone with nothing but grass, rocks, and open land? But you can't feel bad for him..right? I mean he kidnapped you for crying out loud. You look around again for any sign of life or even death. But nothing but empty world lied beneath you.

You let out a sigh, trying to get comfortable against the rock, watching the lonesome moon slowly edge across the sky. Ypu started to think..Were you too hard on him? But does he really deserve a second chance? You can barely stand just looking at this place.. but he lived here.. alone, you groan with frustration as your own thoughts intrude your mind. "I don't feel bad.. I don't feel bad.." you repeated to yourself. You squeeze your eyes shut and take a deep breath looking around once more. Still nothing.

Lay back and close your eyes, maybe you should just sleep for a bit. You try to sleep but you feel something just isn't right, you feel a small pit at the bottom of your stomach. You rub your eyes with both hands and sit up. You can't sleep. You stand up looking around for any sign of Ben, nothing but grass and open field. You look to the sky, like you're asking the moon, where is he? You thought to the moon, but the moon stayed quiet. It didn't speak back, it seemed to be as upset with you as you are with your own choices. You sighed running out of hope, please she begged the moon, I just want to talk to him. Sure you was just thinking that.. but you felt as though the moon could understand.

You felt a cold, damp breeze on the back of your neck. You slowly turn around to see a little blue orb with wings. Your eyes widen in surprise as you take a few steps back. The little fairy seemed to glow a bright blue color, it was quite a magical sight to see. It was about the size of a golf ball...
It made a muffled sound, like a weep or a little cry. It started to flutter away making little noises. You should follow it.

You start to walk behind it, following it's little cries and weeps. It's blue radiance seemed to fill the entire world with a unexplainable sadness. But she followed curiously, making sure to not loose sight of the small creature. In the distance you squint and see a little red glow similar to the one of the blue fairy's. You quickened your pace, too curious for your own pleasure. But you start to slow once you hear the sobs of a young boy, your heart ached at the innocent cries, as you slowly walk closer you can see a small figure on the ground curled up into a ball.


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