The Boy

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You leap forward trying to press the off button. "TURN OFF!!", You say jamming the button down repeatedly. The television screen glitched.

Hysterical laughter erupted from the T.V..The television screen turned to static and two hands reached out, gripping the sides of the T.V. A blonde headed boy stuck his head out of the screen. He had black and red eyes, and pointed ears. "I am Benjamin Drow-". Before he could get any words out, you threw the controller as hard as you could, hitting the boy square in the nose.

"OW!" He yelled,"What the hell?!". The boy vanished back into the T.V., holding his nose.

You jumped up running to the back of your room, trying to grab something to throw. You grabbed a pencil off of your desk, holding it like a dagger.

You started to approach the T.V.. You felt something grab your shoulder. Spinning around quickly holding the pencil above your head, ready to strike.

"Woah! hold on..." Mom said,"Are you alright?". You dropped the pencil on the floor, letting out a deep breath.

"You scared the crap out of me..." You say giving your mom a hug. She hugged you back, "What on Earth were you doing?" She said pulling away from the embrace.

"I was um.." You said trying to make an excuse in your head,"I was..."

"You know what I don't even want to know," Mom said looking at the game console, "Just go clean your mess up in the kitchen." She said waving you off. "I've had a long day, I need a shower". She left the room, she left you in the room with the dreaded monster in the console.

Before you could think you ran out of the room and down to the kitchen. You had seemed to lost your appetite so you just threw away the noodles, putting the dish in the sink.

You washed your hands in the sink, splashing some water onto your face.
What just happened?...

You walked over to the living room and you sat on the couch. It was very quiet, almost too quiet. You decided to watch something on the television, you were about to grab the remote before you hesitated. You stood up and headed to the front door, Maybe I just need some fresh air.

Grabbing your coat you headed out the door, it was colder than before. You walked down the sidewalk, the sun was setting. You stopped in your tracks, something was standing in the street light infront of you. You squinted into the dark trying to see the dark figure.

You were about to take a step closer to get a better look, but piercing red eyes glared back at you. You felt your breathing quicken as you turn around running back to your home. Your lungs ached and your feet were sore, but you kept a steady pace.

You made your way to the front door, grabbing the knob. It was locked. You tried again to turn the knob, locked.

You glanced behind, it was getting closer. You started towards the house's back door. You grabbed the handle, opening the door and slamming it behind you.

You put your back against the door, locking it. What was that thing?

You started to walk to your room, glancing around to see if the creature had followed you inside. But your eye caught on something, not the creature, the door. The front door was wide open, as if anybody or anything were allowed inside.

You scrambled to the door shutting and locking it. You backed away facing the door. You decided to make a run for your room.

You sprinted up the stairs, not bothering to hold the handle. You heard something break. When you arrived at the top of the stairs, you look back. The lights were out. Turning back around, bolting into your room and shutting the door, locking it.

You grabbed the pencil off the floor, slowing backing away from door. The door that held the unknown behind it. You squeezed the pencil tighter. You took steps back. Your back bumped something, you slowly turned around, your heart picking up it's pace.

"Boo" the boy said laughing again. And the room went pitch black.

Written: 6 .15. 22

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