Big Day Ahoy

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As you and Viggo came back to the group after your moment together, everyone was looking at the two of you as you walked out of the forest. "Feeling better?" Ryker asked his little brother with concern in his eyes. "Much better. Thanks to [y/n], she is gone!" Viggo sounded relieved beyond words.

"What? Are you serious?" Ryker was stunned to hear it. "Yes. Agnes is gone. I'm finally free from her grip." Viggo explained and smiled at you, showing his loving puppy eyes to you. "Besides, [y/n] and I have agreed that we will get married soon. I'll send a letter out to Marcus and we will go back to the island so we can get married." Viggo spoke up with a gentle voice as he held you in his arms.

"Let's hear it for Viggo and [y/n]! The happy couple!" A Hunter called out and the crew cheered for the two of you. Ryker came up to you to give you a hug. "Congratulations, guys! I'm really happy for you." Ryker said as he let go of you. "Thank you, we are happy to share this exciting news." You said as you held Viggo's hand in yours.

"So, when will we head back for that wedding of yours?" Ryker held his hands in his sides. "When daybreak comes. I don't want to wait longer than I have to." Viggo answered as he took you with him to the same log you sat earlier and took you back into his lap. He focused himself to you again.

"I'm sorry I threw you off. Looks like I hurt you when I did." He gently held your burned hand in his, rubbing the top of your hand with his thumb. "It's okay now. What's most important to me is that you are okay." You said as you placed a sweet kiss on his lips. "I love you." He whispered to you. "I love you, too." You whispered back as the smiles on your faces grew wider again.

As the night went on, you grew tired as you yawned big time. "Maybe we should call it a day." Viggo said as he held an arm around you. You nodded as your eyes grew tinier by the second. You and Viggo laid down in the sand that was still warm and you closed your eyes.

The morning sun that burned through your eyelids woke you up and was painful to your eyes. You tried to shove yourself back a little further to crawl back into Viggo's arms, but when you felt the area behind you, he wasn't there. You shot up and looked around confused, you felt he was with you just now! Or... Was he?

"Morning!" Ryker called out to you as he sat around the fire making breakfast. "Where is..." You wanted to ask, but Ryker was ahead of you. "He went back to the ship already to write to Marcus about your wedding. He is so pumped up about it that he couldn't sleep last night. Stayed awake watching over you the whole night." He told you. That explained a lot, honestly.

"Want some breakfast?" He asked you and you could enjoy something for your stomach right now. You got up and stepped right up to him to retrieve a filled plate of toast and scrambled eggs.

As you had a few bites, you saw Ryker was feeling different than usual. "Hey, what's up?" You asked as you bumped him with your elbow. He took a deep breath and sighed out as he poked a stick in the remaining crisping wood of the fire.

"It is just the thing with Viggo. For so long, he has been haunted by the ghost of his dead wife. Seeing him being free from her and the way he seems to be relieved, not feeling terrified of seeing her around every corner. It also does something to me..." He said and you noticed he had to wipe a tear away.

You closed the distance that was between you and you hugged him. "You have been looking out for him all this time. I get that you also feel relieved for him. He's your brother and I know you love him, no matter what." You said as you let go and looked him in the eyes. You were to be family with him as well and keeping a good bond sure had to be important between you. "Let's go to your betrothed." Ryker suggested. "Now you're just jesting me." You pointed out to him and he laughed as you walked over to the sloop to go back to the ship.

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