Sailing to...

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With Viggo following you to the deck, you stepped into the bright light of the sun again. It blinded you and you held your hand above your head, trying to block the sunlight from hitting your eyes.

When you had good vision again, you saw the men hard at work on deck and the open waters of the ocean around the ship. Two other ships were flanking the lead vessel and had two different patterns on the sails. The first pair of sails had a dragon with a slim body. Through the body were a sword and an arrow displayed. The second set of sails were with a purple fist.

"Welcome to the Dragon Hunter tribe." Viggo said to you as he noticed you were taking everything around you in. With a shock, you turned back to him. "Dragon Hunter tribe?" You were quite surprised he said that. So dragons do exist in this world? Did I step into an alternative world or is this really a 1000 years back in time?

"You seem surprised. Why, if I may ask?" Viggo held his hands behind his back and kept his back straight, showing you his interest. "Well, where I'm from, dragons do not exist." You told him, hiding your origin from the ears of men around you. "Well, I cannot expect dragons to live in every corner of the world." He played along to hide you are from the future.

You walked over to the side of the ship and looked down. The ship was gliding over the water like a hot knife through butter. Wait, that's not even a good thing to think about! Yet, your stomach was screaming for something to eat.

"Hungry now, are we?" Viggo chuckled at you. He must have heard your stomach rumbling as if you hadn't eaten in weeks. "Well, it has been a few days that I had been floating out there on that piece of wood. I wouldn't say no to something to eat. Even if it is just a piece of toasted bread or something." You admitted your hunger to him.

With a small gesture of his hand, Viggo signed over to a man to hand you some food. "Here you go, lass." The Hunter gave you a good looking piece of bread with some cooked fish spread over it. You weren't a big lover of fish, but your stomach allowed you to eat anything at this point.

Viggo gestured you to take a seat at a table he had on the quarterdeck and shoved a chair back, giving you the chance to sit down. You took his offer and sat down at the table, ready to munch away on this bread that was in front of you. "May I remind you that you are wearing the dress my mother used to wear? A well respected Lady and former chieftess of my tribe." He whispered in your ear as he shoved the chair back forward as you sat down.

It almost made you choke on your food. Shit! You were wearing the dress of a woman of wealth and rank?! Struggling to find the words, you swallowed your bite and addressed to Viggo once more as he sat down opposite of you. "I will promise to behave to her ranking as long as I'm wearing this dress." You promised him. "Good, but remember that you do not have my mother's ranking. Not in the slightest." His voice made it clear that he is not to be messed with, as is his family tree.

"But now, my dear [F/N], please tell me a bit more about yourself." Viggo held his elbow on the table and his hands folded in front of his mouth. You had absolutely no idea what to tell him without giving yourself away too much now that more working men were around the two of you.

"Well, I'm from a land far from here. You probably haven't heard of it. My father is a hardworking man in the cooking business and my mother is..." You were looking for the right word for 'nurse'. "She is what?" Viggo asked you with interest. "She is a healer. And a very good one too." You told him. "That would make you one as well now, wouldn't it?" His interest was really like you were choking. You hated the fact that you weren't as successful as your parents were.

"Actually, my mother did not teach me the art of healing. I used to work as a saleswoman." At least you told him some of the truth. "A woman of business, I see. Excellent! I could use someone like you." He seemed to be enthusiastic about it. Wait, what?

"You mean that?" You said a little too loud as all the men around looked at you. "Get back to work!" Viggo called out and the men returned to their assignments. "Please try to keep your voice down. You just promised me you would act like a Lady and raising your voice like that certainly is not like the behavior of a Lady." He warned you strictly. "I'm sorry." You knew he was right.

"It's alright with me now, my dear. But coming back to the topic. Yes, I could use someone with the skill of sales and the knowledge of the business too. How would you like it if you became my assistant?" He calmed down and came down to business. "Are you offering me a job?" You were surprised by his offer. "I surely am. That way I can keep an eye on you while you will get used to everything that is new to you." He calmly explained. That was really appealing to you.

"Is it alright if I think about it for a while? It's a lot to take in after everything that has happened to me so far." You asked him as polite as you could. "But of course, my dear. I totally understand you need time to take everything in. Please come to me when you know your answer." The corner of his lips went up slightly, making him smirk a little.

"Sir, the island is coming in sight." A man came to the two of you, giving Viggo the report. "Excellent. Make ready to moor the ship." "Aye, sir!" The man took the order and walked off, leaving you and Viggo alone again.

As the ship was almost sailing into port, Viggo stood up and patted off the slight filth that had collected on his clothing. "Now, I suggest we go see if we can find you some clothing that fits you better." He lent you his hand. You took it and got up on your feet, trying to be the Lady you promised him to be. Taking a breath and straightening your back, you were ready to face the next step in trying to find your way in this crazy new world.

Timeless Love (Viggo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now