Truth and Emotions

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You woke up the next morning as you still had Viggo in your arms. Or, he had you in his arms. You had rolled to your side and Viggo had followed your position, keeping an arm around you as you slept. You laid there spooning with him and you only pressed your body tighter against his, enjoying his arms around you. You really started to develop deep going feelings for him and you wanted to be with him like this the whole day if you could.

Soon, you noticed he was waking up and tightened his grip on you again. Taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes to see he was in bed with you again, but now it was you who convinced him to lay down with you. Yet, Viggo was still fuzzed about everything that happened last night.

"Did you..." He started, but you interrupted him. "Lay down with you to calm you down? I did, just as you did for me." You felt Viggo press a kiss in your lower neck. "Thank you." He hugged you from behind and you knew the feelings from you both were growing. You had to ask him. "Viggo, do you have... certain feelings for me?"

"The more I got to know about you, my dear [F/N], I did develop feelings for you. I just... I can't surrender myself to those feelings." He admitted to you. "Why not?" You asked him. "It has to do with my past. I can't shake it off as she is still around me. I want to be able to love you, but she is holding me back." He told you as he held you firmly against him again.

"Who is she?" You wanted to know. "I can't tell you. If you really want to know, go ask Ryker. He knows everything about her and everything that happened between me and her. Even if her name is mentioned, I feel like she is keeping me in a chokehold. She is watching me everywhere, I feel her at all times!" Viggo sounded really terrified of this woman, whoever she might be. "Don't worry, Viggo. You protected me, I will protect you against her if that will help." You told him and you felt him tense up again.

Then, you felt a bit of water in your neck. And heard some sniffing of crying. Viggo was actually crying in your arms! "Hey, what's wrong?" You asked him and raised his chin up to look into his eyes. "I have been walking around with this for so long. And then you show up! I am conflicted with the feelings I had for her a long time ago and I have never been able to feel like this ever since she is gone. Now? I begin to feel the same for you." He admitted to you as tears streamed down with large amounts.

You gently let your hand run over his back to comfort him. "It's okay, let it all go now. The first step of letting go is to let go of the emotions that have been stuck inside of you for so long." You whispered to him. "I am a man! I'm not supposed to let go of my tears." He wanted to get up, but you held him back. "Just because you're a man doesn't mean you should keep these emotions hidden from yourself and the world. It is okay to cry if that is the only way to relief yourself from them." You had his face cupped in your free hand and looked him in the eyes, seeing him give in and cry his heart out.

You let him cry his heart out until he felt better. You let your hand gently run through his hair once he calmed down a bit. "You do know what that means, right?" He asked you with a much calmer voice, he was noticeably more relaxed. "Eh... No?" You said after thinking about it for a few seconds. "It shows you have affection for me." He told you. You huffed out a chuckle. "Well, it is true." You smiled down at him and he looked up, your lips hovering close above each other again.

You waited for Viggo to make the first step, but he couldn't again. "I want to kiss you. Please, believe me." He whispered as he got desperate in his desire for you. You actually felt his gentleman get excited as well. "What is happening to me?" He whispered again. "You love me, right? That's what's happening. Don't worry. I'll be waiting here for you until you are ready to show me you love me." You smiled at him and placed a kiss on his forehead, letting him take the time he needed until you would get up.

Later that day, Ryker came to Viggo in his tent as you were reading a book there to keep Viggo company. "Hey, a letter came in this morning. The festival is soon and Marcus wants us to attend it." Ryker held the letter up. "Is it that time of the year already? How time flies by." Viggo was visibly surprised.

"What festival?" You asked. "The Summer Festival is organized by the people in our home village to celebrate a year of plentiful hunts, welfare and seeing their loved ones again after being away from home a lot throughout the year." Ryker explained to you with lots of cheerful moods only by thinking to the joys of the entire event.

"Added to that, it does also bring a lot of our trading partners to the event, making it possible to strike deals as we speak." Viggo spoke up as he read the letter through.

"[F/N], you should come with us! I think you'll like it." Ryker suggested. "An excellent idea! That way you can also get to know more about our heritage and see where we come from." Viggo agreed to his brother's idea.

You thought about it and you really wanted to go, but something was holding you back. "Are you alright, my dear?" Viggo asked you.

"I am. It's just... [F/N] is unable to come." You said to them and they were confused like never before. "I don't follow." Viggo said to you. You took a deep breath to prepare to what you were going to say.

"The reason why [F/N] is unable to come is because that's not my real name." You prepared for any reaction that might come from them. "Are you saying you lied to us?" Ryker asked you suspiciously, ready to freak out any time at this point.

"I have only lied about my name. I didn't mean for it to last this long. I was scared when you rescued me and I did not trust you that much. I came up with a false name to protect myself." You explained to them as calmly as you could. Yet, your heart was racing.

You tried to stay calm, but Ryker certainly lost his mind. "Are you out of your mind! You lied to us, you played tricks on us! You..." He screamed at you, but Viggo jumped in on the situation. "Enough now, Ryker. I will take care of this. Prepare a ship to leave for home. Now." Viggo looked at his brother with strict look. Ryker left the tent witha low growl and did as Viggo ordered him to do.

You were left alone in the tent with Viggo. For minutes, the silence between you was deafening and you could hear a pin drop to the ground. You decided to break the silence as you could no longer handle the tension.

"Viggo, I'm so sorry! You have to understand that..." You tried to explain yourself. "Do not speak." He sneered to silence you. It shocked you a bit, but you did as he commanded. He sighed out heavily. "I understand why you gave up a false name, but I showed you rather quickly that I trusted you. Why didn't you trust me?" He was obviously hurt.

"I have been sucked through a wormhole and was flung a 1000 years back in time, Viggo! What was I supposed to think after I realized that? I was scared, I nearly drowned, I have been nearly raped!" You couldn't hold back your emotions and yelled at him. "And I have saved you in these cases." He said in a disappointing tone that sent shivers down your spine.

"I did it to protect myself!" You were fighting against the tears and you were near collapsing and losing your mind. Viggo stood up from behind his desk and surprisingly took you in his arms. "Does this affect how you feel towards me?" You asked him in a whispering tone as you let your emotions loose and supported your head against his shoulder as he held you against him in a comforting hug.

"By the Gods, no. It does hurt, yes, but it does certainly not affect my feelings for you. I understand you did that in order to survive, to keep yourself safe. I understand that when you realized you were sucked through that wormhole, everything was scary for you. But you're safe with me! I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I promise you that." He was honest and sincere once again and it made you realize how you really felt towards him.

"I do have to ask you for your real name, now." He said as he placed a soft and sweet kiss on your head. "My name is [your real name]." You said in a low volume. He pulled away from you and looked you in the eyes. "I like that much better than [F/N]." He smiled at you as you looked him in the eyes. Tears were in both your eyes and your hearts were pounding. You couldn't stop yourself from wrapping your arms around his neck again.

You pulled apart from each other after having spent a meaningful moment together and Viggo took you by the hand to guide you to the ship that would take you to the village. Together, you had explained the situation with Ryker and he eventually understood as well.

Timeless Love (Viggo x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now