Anti Life (Tails Doll)

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(Warning: Gore is present in this story.)

"Where is it?! How could I possibly lose track of it?!" A familiar god-like being, Black Doom, asked himself, scrambling around the Black Comet, unsuccessfully looking for something.

It was very unlike him to be afraid of anything. So whatever he was searching for had to be extremely important.

Earlier, he was traversing the Universe in search of interesting planets. But while on his voracious search, he encounters a very... for lack of a better term, strange planet.

The Planet had no life, which wasn't rare, but not exactly common either. There was no water, no plants, no animals, nothing. But there was one thing the planet had.


Billions of dolls covered the entire planet entirely. If you wanted to travel you had to step on and through massive piles of them. It was very, very weird. It was unlike anything Doom had ever seen before.

He decided to explore this world himself a bit, wanting to discover why the planet was like this. If something caused billions of life forms to turn into dolls, he wanted to utilize it to dominate the Universe.

He searched for hours. Now the very sight of a plushie sickened him. He was gonna call it quits and destroy this creepy planet until he came across something even more confusing.

A massive tower of dolls, nearly reaching space was in front of him.

"This planet could not get any weirder... First, billions of dolls, and now some weird doll tower?" Doom asked himself, curiously and confusedly flying to the top of the tower.

He was wrong. This planet could get weirder, as it just did. On top of the Doll Tower was a strange, small red... Gem?

At least it looked like a gem. Knowing how weird this planet was, it was probably some weird lifeform with a gem appearance.

"Could this thing have done this to the planet's people? If so, how? How could a single gem turn billions into lifeless dolls?"

There was no way of Doom knowing the answer. What he did know was that the sheer danger and threat this weird object posed to any planet he unleashed it upon was unquantifiable. He had to have it. Its power was too incredible for any other being in the universe to possess.

But harnessing this thing's power posed many problems, problems he had no way of anticipating or preparing for.

How was he gonna use it?

How did it turn people into dolls?

Could it turn him into a doll?

But did the (possible) pros outweigh the completely unknown cons?


Doom guessed that it turned people into dolls via touch, which wasn't entirely wrong. So he used his powers to hover it in the air, and brought it back to the ship, making sure it didn't touch anything. Not even the walls or the ground.

Carefully, he placed it in a specially made see-through container. One that made whatever was placed inside it levitate. He wasn't gonna let a single thing touch it. Not even the thing that contained the object.

Black Doom backed away and let out a breath that he had unknowingly been holding.

What was this feeling? What was going on with him? Why does he feel...


Pfft! Him? Feel fear? What a joke! There was no way that someone as powerful as he was scared of a weird rock, right?

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