You're No God (Needlemouse)

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Sarah was a simple girl.

Well, if you excluded her habit of psychologically torturing her victims/murderers, Micheal, Luther, and Martin.

She had a very simple routine. Wake up, summon her victims, and go wild for hours, sometimes days. Rinse, repeat. Despite not needing it, Sarah would occasionally sleep in the video game realm. It was more of a hobby than a necessity. And to her, it felt nice.

Right now, she was in her sleep period. These few hours would be the only time Martin, Luther, and Micheal would have peace. A rest period of sorts, before they would get back to the usual agony that wasn't the rest period.

"C'mon, guys. Have you figured out anything?" Martin asked.

Currently, they were sneakily looking for two things. And finding either of those things would be a massive benefit to the trio.

One; A way to get out of this hell. It was the obvious priority. So far, not much. They could, to some degree, communicate with people who just happened to be on the outside. But any opportunities to use this against Sarah came extremely rarely. How would they form a plan to bring Sarah down under her nose? Better yet, who would be willing to help them? It sounded impossible.

Two; Finding this sounded both likely and very unlikely at the same time somehow. This was finding a way to access the same powers Sarah has displayed. After all, if she could use them, there had to be a way for them to use them as well. All of them were spirits possessing a Sonic game, so what made Sarah so special? If they couldn't run, they had to fight.

"Nothing. It's like Sarah is always two steps ahead of us, cutting off every way of escaping and fighting before we even find them. It's frustrating." Luther says.

"Yeah. I'm beginning to think that she does this "rest period" bullshit just to fuck with us even more. But I won't give up. There has to be a way. Somewhere, something that could help. All we have to do is look as hard as we can. We have all the time in the world, after all." Martin says.

"If there's one thing you're good at, it's giving us motivation. You should've been a basketball coach." Micheal teases.

"Shut up, Micheal," Martin says, jokingly punching him in the arm.

"By the way, I did find something. But I'm not sure what exactly it is." Micheal says, confused.

"Really?!" Luther says. "I haven't heard any of us say that in who knows how long. Show us!"

"Well, alright, but I don't know if it'll help us," Micheal says, pulling out a ring. It resembled the iconic rings of the Sonic games but with one difference. Instead of being yellow, this ring was bright red.

"A ring? How's that gonna help us?" Luther says.

"Hm... I recall saying something along the lines of "I don't know if it'll help us", did I say that, Martin? Or am I wrong?" Micheal says snarkily, making Martin chuckle.

"Funny," Luther says. "But in all seriousness, how do we use it? My Sonic knowledge isn't all that great, but I'm pretty sure he just runs into them."

"Hmm.." Micheal tries to absorb it as Sonic does, but nothing happens. He puts it on, and nothing happens. "Ugh..."

"Maybe it's just a decoration... or something?" Luther says, disappointed that the ring was supposedly useless.

"Y'know what? I bet it's another stupid joke from that sick, twisted fuck Sarah!" Micheal, angrily, throws the red ring away.

But to the complete shock of the trio, the ring doesn't just land on the ground, no. It grows to a larger size and turns into a red ring portal. The entire realm shakes.

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