Multiverse of Exe's (Fatal Error)

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Eggman was at a loss for words. Truly, he couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sonic had just defeated Metal Sonic, who was arguably his greatest creation, on Stardust Speedway. The robot doppelganger was on the ground.

"Y'know, I'll admit, that was a bit of a challenge. I'm surprised you could create a robot so powerful." Sonic says, giving credit where credit is due.

"I don't want your praise, you little weasel! I want you on the ground, and defeated, not Metal!" Eggman shouted.

"I'm sorry Eggie, but I can't allow myself to be defeated by you, or any robot you send at me. I got people to protect." Sonic says. "Anyway, See ya!"

Sonic speeds off. Eggman, deeply aggravated by the blue rodent, the doctor picks up Metal and flies back to his base.

'Urgh... what am I doing wrong? Metal Sonic was the best I could offer, and he still beat him! I'll wipe that infuriating smirk off his face if it's the last thing I do!' Eggman thought.

But he couldn't lie to himself. No matter how strong the robots he sent at Sonic were, he always found a way to defeat them. Was there a way to defeat him?

Then, he had an idea.

"If every robot I send is completely useless, then why don't I just make Sonic the robot? What an ingenious plan, Eggman! Why didn't you think of it sooner?" Eggman said to himself.

But Eggman didn't realize that Metal Sonic was awake and listening to every word Eggman was so recklessly saying out loud.

"Once I bring my idea to life, I'll have Sonic himself as my right-hand robot. It'll be so glorious!" He says, giggling to himself.

Metal wasn't worried. If Eggman had an idea on how to beat Sonic, he was down to help him in any way to make sure that idea worked. But Eggman's next few words are what take him by surprise.

"Once I have the real Sonic, I won't need any cheap copies!" Eggman says. Metal could see Eggman looking at him over his shoulder with a grin.

"Not a single one..."

Eggman fully intended on throwing away Metal once he turned Sonic into his robot. That was the last thing he wanted.

Metal tried and tried to think of ways to prevent himself from being discarded. Many ideas came to mind, but the one that seemed the most likely to work was also the simplest.

He'd simply become the "real Sonic". How? By destroying the original Sonic of course. If he proved himself to be superior to the original, he'd become the original. That was his mindset.

Burning hate and a desire to destroy Sonic, one that surpassed even Eggman, was born on that day. He'd do anything and everything to achieve his goal.

-Hours Later, at Eggman's Base-

Eggman was pacing around his workspace, thinking of and creating ways to turn Sonic into his loyal robot.

At first, he thought a virus would do the trick. So, he created a dangerous one that he dubbed the "Metal Virus", yeah a creative name. If it came into contact with any organic matter, it would be rapidly turned into what the doctor called a "Zombot". After testing it, Eggman realized two things.

Firstly, how would he make Sonic touch it? It would never happen. He was too fast. And even if he did manage to infect Sonic, what's to stop the Zomboticized Sonic from infecting him in turn? It just wouldn't work.

Second, the virus was more dangerous than he had realized. The Metal Virus infected all organic matter, not just beings who could walk and talk like Sonic. Meaning it could spread literally like wildfire. The consequences of unleashing this upon the world would be indescribable.

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