Part 6

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Cassie didn't feel like going to see Luke today. She'd not slept for the past week with Frankie constantly on her mind. She would toss and turn at night, trying to get some rest. With that and non-stop concerts, she was exhausted. Equally, she could imagine Luke sat there for the hour, waiting and hoping that she'd turn up. Then again, after what happened after they last saw each other, would he really want to see her? She couldn't make up her mind on what to do.

In the end she decided to go. If Luke didn't show, he didn't want to see her. If he did, he'd understand what was going on with Frankie and why she was tired. She didn't lose out if she went. If she didn't go, and he was there, she had so she dragged herself together, downing some coffee, getting dressed into a Pendleton-accepted outfit and drove down there. She arrived just on time.

"What's wrong, Cass?" Luke asked, as she sat down. He could see the bags under her eyes, her pale skin and all the other signs that something was wrong. "Nothing. How's your week been?" Cassie said. "Cassie, what is it?" Luke asked again. "Just Frankie, ok?" Cassie told him, attitude in her voice. She didn't want to talk about it. 

"You know, that night when we first met. He pulled me over and told me that if I ever did anything to hurt you, that he'd hunt me down and beat me up. He cared about you, Cass. Before we met, he'd talk about you constantly and what you guys got up to as kids. When we were in Iraq, he used to tease me for the stuff I'd say about you." Luke told her.

Cassie smiled, softly thinking about it. She could picture it perfectly and knew exactly the way he'd say it and phrase it. She had no idea what Luke would of said about her but she knew what Frankie would have said, no matter what.

The pair spoke about Frankie for the rest of their time. Cassie had loads of childhood memories to share whilst Luke had an almost equal amount of memories from Iraq to intertwine. It was amazing but Cassie couldn't help but feel greatful that this would be the last time they'd have conversations sat like this, at a plastic table, like the ones from school dining halls, opposite each other, not allowed to touch.

30 more days and they'd be free to hug, kiss and anything else they wanted to do. In 30 days, Luke could come to her concerts, they could plan their proper wedding and they could eat all the breakfast tacos they wanted to.

Ok, so I go on holiday today and I get back on tuesday so there probably won't be an update until tuesday-thursday

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