Part 16

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This is one I have had written for a while, I'm not happy with the length but it's something

Cassie couldn't be more excited. Today they were bringing their tiny little boy home. Luke wasn't allowed to the hospital until 10am so it was unlikely they'd all be home before 2pm. Cassie looked over at Eli, who was peacefully sleeping. She eagerly packed up, more than ready to go home. She felt guilty, though. She'd not got anything done in the apartment for Eli as Luke had wanted to do it with her when he got back from Iraq, then Eli had come early and nothing was ready.

Still, she couldn't wait to show Eli the apartment he would live in, meet Peaches and all of their family. He was so little and adorable. She'd never forget his precious face, his tiny hands and his tiny little cry. Cassie was so sore but it didn't matter. Eli was here, safe and happy.

Soon enough Luke arrived to help and was just as excited, if not more than Cassie. There was such strong emotions flooding through both of them but excitement was the strongest. Luke was absolutely terrified that he'd mess up, do something wrong or let Eli down. Not just in the coming days, but in the months and years to come.

They made their way to the car and then drove home. Cassie and Luke walked into their apartment to see it all decorated and ready for Eli. 

The fridge and cupboards were stocked with food and meals that Hailey had made that just needed reheating. Spencer had made a banner that read 'Wɘlcome Howme Baybee!' in red painted writing with stickers surrounding it. It was so sweet and considering he was only in Kindergarten is was really good. Jake and Luke's dad had set up the cot and everything else you needed for a baby.

Cassie and Luke spent time looking at everything and taking it all in before they decided on letting Peaches out to meet Eli. They watched her closely as she sniffed him, curiously. She laid down next to them as if she'd decided that he was his baby. It wasn't quite the reaction they'd expected but it was one.

Eli soon started crying, needing a feed. Peaches got up and followed Luke who was trying to make a bottle for him, occasionally nudging Luke. Luke rushed round the kitchen trying to make a bottle to calm Eli.

"It's ok, Peaches, I'm just sorting it. I know." Luke said. He was tired and closing on the end of his patience but he was close. He just wanted to flake out on the sofa next to Cassie who was already fast asleep. Luke didn't blame her.

Peaches then lay at Luke's side as he fed Eli, moving about and checking if he was ok, every time he made a noise. She was already trying to protect him. Luke already felt so much love for this tiny little boy. He imagined in his head first days of school, playing on the beach and so many other scenarios. 

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