Chapter Seventeen: Protection

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Dakota's POV

I sigh as I sit in bed with Maddy who hasn't stopped complaining about me and Cassie being friends

"I just don't understand where your coming from with this I mean she literally fucked my ex" Maddy says and I sigh and run my hand over my face

"But you fucked me...knowing she liked me, so what's different" I say and Maddy looks at me with a really looks

"What's different from you agreeing to fuck me knowing she liked you" Maddy says and I immediately shut up

"Exactly...look you talked to her so I'm let it be but what is making you not want to claw at her" Maddy says confused

"The fact that I know her, she's dumb a lot of the time with her decisions, she's done bad things but Cassie was immediately remorseful and I could see it in her eyes, was I hurt, I going to damn her to hell, no...can I forgive her..yes but can she change...that's to be determined" I say and Maddy's shoulders deflate in defeat

"I guess your right or whatever...just hurts with her and i being so close and I never thought she'd do that even in an act of desperation" She says sadly and I just pull her close

"I know...when your ready to talk to her I say do it..but for now just heal and don't put anything past someone, you never know" I say and Maddy nods

"Hey can you head to the store please...I want some snacks" Maddy asks in a whine and I roll my eyes playfully

" good here by yourself because I know you don't wanna get up" I say cockily aching Maddy to hit me with a pillow

"Yes I'm know what I like" She says and I smirk which causes her to roll her eyes and pint to the door, I laugh and put my clothes back in before heading out to Fez's shop

I've been meaning to see him since he called but haven't wanted too, I drive over to the shop and see a big truck leaving and Fez standing outside causing me to park quickly and hop out causing him to turn around

"Yo Dakota you been" Fez says as he daps me up but keeps looking back where the truck left

"I'm...managing...what was that about" I say nodding to where he was standing

"Yo..I was just a bout to call you, Nate's dad is looking for you man, talkin about the fight you got into with his gotta be careful..he was messin with Lexi and askin us where you lived, dude had a gun" Fez says and I immediately go into the shop to find Lexi standing frozen against the fridges

" ok" I say causing Lexi to look up and immediately run over and hug me, I can feel that she's shaking and I hold her protectively

"You have to contact your parents Dakota...he's looking for you and I'm so happy you just missed him" She says into my shoulder

"It's gonna be ok...Fez told me he was bothering you" I ask and Lexi nods

"You'll be good...I'll handle it" I say

"Nah...I'll handle it" Fez says causing us to pull away and look at him

"Lexi put your bike in the back of my car...I'll drive you home or to mine if you wanna hang out with Maddy and I" I say and Lexi nods before grabbing her bike and walking to my car

"I'll help protect her man...he ain't gon touch her" Fez says as he looks at Lexi getting into my car

"You like her Fez" I say teasingly and he looks to me before cracking a smile

"Maybe man..she's different...kinda how you see Cassie or whatever" He says and I laugh a bit before getting Maddy's snacks and heading off with Lexi to my house

I sigh as I walk into my house after going bowling with Maddy and see my parents sitting on my couch with somber looks on their faces

"You what's going on" I say bypassing the fact that they came into my house, I gave them a house key in case of emergencies

"Dakota...come sit please" My dad says and I close the door and lock it before walking to the sofa and sitting down

"How are you doing" My mom says and I look at her confused

"Yea...I'm ok" I lie causing my mom to look at me sadly

"Baby...don't lie...we know about Mouse" My mom says causing me to sigh and look at the floor

"I'm....I'm trying to be ok" I say and I feel my father carefully put his hand on my shoulder causing me to flinch only a little

"Why didn't you tell us" My Dad says sadly

"Because I wasn't sure you guys weren't going to even be sad or support guys hated him" I say upset and they both lean back

"He chose a dangerous life..but he was still human..and he did what we didn't which was take care of you" My Dad says as he looks at me, I can see he's sad which honestly makes me surprised a bit

"Your father is right...he took care for you when we didn't and we understand where your coming from and we are sad too" My mom says and my Dad nods

"Well....can we have a funeral for him" I say and they both look at each other before looking to me

"Of course" My Dad says, I smile and they both hug me and I hug back and feel much better, I'm happy I got back parents and I pray that Mouse is happy to feel free

"Thank you guys...but I have more to tell you guys" I say and they both look at me worriedly

"Are you ok...are you involved in anything" Amy mom says and I immediately shake my head

"No no..not entirely, on New Year's Eve I got into a fight with Nate Jacobs and his Dad is looking for me" I say hesitantly before explaining further, I see my parents look at each other and I can tell they are pissed

"Don't worry about'll be safe and we'll handle it" My Dad says before kissing my forehead and getting up while pulling his phone out and walking out of the room

"Dakota..what we need you to do is stay away from Nate and the rest of that family..if he contacts you or tries anything with anyone around you again then you tell us" My mom says and I nod

I watch as my mother gets a call and leaves the room, I sigh and lay back in the couch as I feel a weight off my shoulders

It's nice to feel protected by them out Jacobs family

A/n ok well yea lol idk what to say y'all read it


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