Chapter Ten: Happy but Sad

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Dakota's POV

I watch Cassie as she skates beautifully in the empty and spotlight lit ice, I smile and clap as she does the finishing move and sticks the landing, never have I Veblen so attracted to her and so proud

"You did amazing Cas" I say as I say as she skates over to me

"Thank you Kota.....I haven't done this since...since my dad and I know you did this to help with later today but I appreciate it nonetheless" Cassie says and I sigh and help her out of the rink before taking both her hands

"I would have done this for you either know I am here for you no matter what" I say supportively, Cassie smiles and leans in and I start leaning into her till put lips meet into a passionate kiss

I feel her hands cup the back of my head and I put my hands high in her waist as we make out a bit

I pull away slowly as we stare into each other's eyes, I smile a bit and she does the same

" much as I want too....I can't, not when you just got out of a relationship" I say causing her smile to fall

"You don't wanna be with me" She says and I shake my head immediately

"I want too but.....I want you to give it your all and I don't think you can if your going through this break with Mckay" I say, she nods and pulls me close to where her head is firmly laying on my chest

"Will you always be there for me" She says softly

"I will.....when you need me" I say as I hold her close and feel every fiber in my being fighting me right now

I know it's the right heart is telling me that but my brain is saying to have her be mine

I sit in the waiting room anxiously with Lexi as Cassie is in with the doctor, I let out a nervous breath as I try to not worry

"She's gonna be fine's ok" Lexi says grabbing my hand, I look at her and nod before looking forward again

I let out a breath before walking out of the clinic for a breather, I lean against the wall and sigh heavily as I try and calm myself

"How is she" I hear a deep voice say, I open my eyes to see McKay standing there looking anxious

"She's....managing" I say with no emotion, he sighs and looks down to the ground before looking up

"Look Dakota I'm not here to cause issues but.......I need to know how she is" He says seriously, I look at his face and see he's genuinely worried so I decided to just chill out

"She's torn up......this isn't the only thing that's bothering her and it's not related to you" I half lie

"I'm not sure she wants to see me, she has you after all" McKay says

"Yea....she does, look man I know you and I have a bad past it you need to get your head right, I understand life and shit happens but you need to realize who you are around because you being friends with a guy who routinely slut shames your's not ok" I say, McKay looks everywhere but me before making eye contact with a stressed look on his face

"I know Nate is a little much but......he's had my back and I can't let him go like that" He says and I shake my head

"If you wanna see Cassie again...grow a pair and get rid of Nate because you won't be a man till you realize who's on your side and who's making you their bitch" I say angrily before walking back into the clinic, I sit next to Lexi who looks at me worriedly but I wave her off

I see Cassie a d her mom coming out from the doors and I instantly stand up again, I walk over to her and she smiles at me sadly

"Let's go home" Suze says as she pulls her daughter by the hand who grabs mine as we walk out, I wrap my arm about Lexi as we walk out the clinic

I see McKay left causing me to scoff at myself, always a little bitch I see, I get I bro car and sit in the back with Cassie as I hold he hand a d she rests her head on my shoulder and closes her eyes

I kiss her forehead and squeeze her hand lightly before looking out the window, Suze drops me off at home and I rest on my bed look at the ceiling in despair

I wish she could just be ok finally

A/n another one bites the dust, let's see if I can write this before my iPad and phone die lmao

Enjoy :)

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