Chapter Six: Drama

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Dakota's POV

I get off the phone with Maddie with a deep sigh, the police were talking to her and telling her the right things but she's not listening since she's still so in love with that douchebag

"What's got ya head so fucked niece" Mouse says causing me to turn around and face him

"My ex hook up buddy is in this abusive relationship with this dickhead, you remember Nate Jacobs" I say as I walk over to him and sit next to him

"Yea I remember" He says

"Want us to deal with him" Mouses friend Custer says from across the room

"Nah......I wanna deal with him but I don't wanna kill him, I gotta be smart about this, his dad own this town" I say shaking my head

"You gotta hit him where it hurts Dakota, I ain't raise no punk so you better know what the fuck to do when it comes to some puck ass boy" Mouse says causing me to nod

Rue's Narration

Dakota didn't know what to do, she may be as rich and known as Nate but she had one thing working against her

Maddy's love for Nate could make things worse and Dakota would be shipped off to prison for assault so she opted to just watch and be there for Maddie when she needed

Now Mouse would call her a pussy but it was the smart decision especially with Dakota's family lingering round and getting into her business

After the carnival, her family didn't exactly fuck off after she visited the house they live in now, they constantly called and called and texted but Dakota didn't answer, she didn't want to reconnect or play into whatever game they were playing

Plus Mouse said he'd beat her ass if she did so she decided not too, she was more worried about Cassie since she hadn't told McKay about the carnival

Cassie and her had barely talked and it wasn't for any bad reason, they just had other things to do but what didn't help was now Mouse was harassing Fez and Dakota wasn't for it but drugs business things weren't something she liked to get involved with

She liked Fez and Ash but she wasn't for the drug dealing so she was more of a distant friend

Few hours later

I sit on my bed irritated as I get off the phone with Maddy, she's admit about defending Nate and it sucks to see especially since he is definitely the type to abuse someone like Maddy who isn't afraid to speak her mind

I'm also mad at Kat who didn't call me back or check on Maddy because she was supposed getting fucked by a guy that used to go to our school, I sigh and close my eyes as I try to calm down at all the bullshit happening around me

Suddenly my phone rings interrupting my peace, I groan answer the phone without looking at the contact name

"What" I say angrily

"Damn man.....look you know a guy named Mouse" I hear Fez say

"My bad man, been a bad day but yea i know him, why" I say confused as to why he's asking about my uncle

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