Extra-of Pete and His Ex

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Pete needed almost a year to study and apply to universities abroad. Once he was accepted, he packed right away. He would apply for scholarships once he studied. He did not ask for much, a scholarship for half of his tuition fee would be nice. Not even half was okay too. Maybe there were some scholarships like that? It was not that he was short on money but he was unemployed, so he needed to be careful. He already counted his saving and it was enough to support himself and to pay for the people to take care of his grandparents' house and cemeteries.

He studied hard. He also joined some students' activities in small roles and even found part-time work within the university. It was all just to fill up his resume, even he knew that companies nowadays wanted the best while paying so little. He only had acquaintances. He talked to them only when necessary. He also opted to stay out of the dorm, renting a small apartment for himself. It was way more pricey but it was better this way, he needed to be careful. He took advantage of the individuality an apartment complex offered. He was sure that the family would put surveillance on him. Sometimes he felt like someone was watching him but found no one when he checked.

Sometimes, he indulged himself in, you know, worldly pleasure. It was his first time finding a partner on a dating app. He was nervous, not sure how to proceed. He also had heard numerous stories about a date gone bad.

I was a head bodyguard, for god's sake! I could protect myself!

And so he did. Not many tho, his time was spent studying after all. Thankfully, there was only one bad date and after some hard punch from Pete, the guy ran away. Pete never hooked up with them more than once and it was always in his apartment. He needed to be careful. Distance himself emotionally and physically. Until one person came who he could not avoid.

It was his last month in the country. He managed to graduate in just three years! It was not easy, difficult even. But with a lack of sleep and social life, it was possible. He had already secured a job back home but there were still some things that he needed to clear up. As a celebration, one more partner would not hurt, he thought.

"Hey, we went to the same university!" the guy had said after recognizing some university's emblem among Pete's belongings.

Shit, Pete thought, eh it's okay, I'm leaving anyway. "Really? Well, I have graduated."

"What?? I'm graduating too. I'll return home once I finished here. How about you? What's your plan?"

Pete could not believe the coincidence that they were from the same country. After all, they did not give up their full name to each other. 

"Hey, why don't we have coffee together at the cafe near the campus?"

"No, thanks. Let's just end it here."

"Ah, you are no fun! But, if we meet again, we have to at least have a lunch together, deal?"


Pete thought that it was impossible for them to meet again. The campus was so big and he would soon leave. So, the only thing Pete could do was rolled his eyes while the guy smiled widely that they met at the very cafe Em had asked Pete to come with.

"We meet again! Let's have lunch together."

"Ugh. Fine!"

When they finally had a conversation, it was magical! For the first time in a while, Pete felt comfortable. They talked briefly about their life, where they grew up, which school they attended, Pete even let out briefly that he used to work at the Theerapanyakul. They liked spicy foods, they liked the same type of music, enjoyed working out, the list went on and on. They exchanged contact information and promised to meet again once they were home.

Begin AgainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon