Chapter 8

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I woke up refreshed. The meds really helped. Should have gone straight to the doctor.

The other thing helped too.

"I leave some of our men around the building. You can call them if you need anything, but I prefer if you call me directly. I will come back late afternoon, ok?" he sought my permission, not to leave but to return. He had left a note consisting of some of his men's numbers.

"Hmm," I hummed as my mouth was full with my breakfast.

He chuckled and kissed my cheek, "I love you, Pete," I just nodded as my mouth was still full.

It was almost 10 a.m. Usually, I would be at the office, so I decided to check on my team as they had asked me to review some of the reports. Nothing was amiss. I called Khun Yok to help her confirm a few business proposals. I thanked them for their well wishes.

I was surfing through my social when I noticed a pattern. A photo was being reposted by various accounts. Some posts were made up of a picture of someone with text below it. The photo that was being reposted seemed familiar. I could not see the full picture without clicking the post itself. The picture was dim as if the poster deliberately turned the brightness down. Despite that, the two figures in the picture could still be seen easily. The first figure had his body leaning on pillows stacked against a headboard. The second one, whose face was covered by a sticker–a love sticker, lay on top of the chest of the first one.

My eyes felt like they wanted to pop out of their sockets. My hand flew to close my opened mouth. The first figure was Vegas! Those were my pillows! That was my bed's headboard! And the person who lay on top of Vegas was me! It was my bedroom!

Other posts that were a combination of a picture and text were of Vegas' pictures and a short "news" of his recently opened social. The account already garnered a lot of attention and a quite large number of following, already reaching thousands.

I clicked on another similar post where they reposted pictures from Vegas' account. I directed my finger to the account that they tagged in the post. There were only three pictures on it. The first one was him and Macau. The second one was surprisingly him, Macau, and the Main Clan siblings. It seemed it was taken recently. Maybe it was to indirectly say that yes indeed it was his account. The last picture was that picture, me on top of him! I then head to his following. He only followed Macau, the three siblings, Porsche, and Porchay. Again, I was guessing that it was for the same purpose he posted their picture. I clicked their accounts one by one. They all followed each other apparently.

What the hell Vegas?!

I went back to my picture and opened its comment section, so far it was the one that had the most engagement.

'Do you think this is why he canceled his wedding a few years back?'

'Whoa who is that man?'

'We need a name'

'I thought that it was a fake account'

'Crying right now'

'Happy for you!'

As far as I could see, most of the comments were full of curiosity and some with congratulatory. There were some hate comments still.

Tsk tsk be careful people.

I actually forgot how the Theerapanyakuls were kinda famous here. Now that I realized, I was afraid that people were gonna recognized him at the mall when we met for the meeting and after that when he was on his knees. I was afraid that people would remember my face. Shit. I clicked on the comment section again but it seemed no one talked about the mall, or not yet. Now all eyes were on him. Shit.

'Don't come to my house'

'Why not?' it was not even a minute after my text was sent that he replied.

'People will know it's you and they will know about me'

'I don't care'

'Well, I do. I have a life'

'I will ask our driver to drive you to the manor'

'I dont want to'

'I will ask our driver to drive you to wherever you want us to meet up'

'If you don't stop I won't meet you anymore. And delete my picture!'

'Okay, sorry, but I will still come. I will hide myself'

'Whatever. Don't forget my picture!' He did not reply so I checked his social again. Instead of deleting it, he posted another one. Crazy bastard!

'Pete, what's your account?'

'None of your business'

'Tell me, I will follow you'

'Stupid Vegas. People will know about me if you do that!'

'Like I said, I don't care'

'Like I said, I do.'

'Pleaseeeee' I did not reply anymore, ignoring him.

'Peetteeeee, omg, do u know? I mean you used to work with them hahahaha' Khun Yok seemed excited. I was tempted to say that his dick was in me last night and the last two pictures were me but I held back.

'Shouldn't you be working?'

'You are no fuuuun!!!' I ignored that too.

My phone rang again, this time it was a call from an unknown number, how many phone numbers does he have??

"Pete," it was not Vegas.


"It's me. I know you are not feeling well, can I visit?"

I chuckled at his question, "I bet you are already on your way."

I heard his little laugh, "and I'm surprised you still know me so well. Don't worry, no one will notice me."

"Right you are."


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