Chapter 5

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That was last week and I did not get any interruption this whole week, thank God. Or not?

Alas, it was only Thursday as my phone rang with an unknown number again. Again and again, I dared not ignore it.

"Hello, Pete," a voice that I had not heard for such a long time. A person whose presence I could only enjoy in yearly birthday emails. A relationship that we kept alive in memories.

"Khun...Khun Noo? Oh my God" I was flustered, I almost cried.

"I miss you, so much. We miss you," I quickly ran to a meeting room, "how are you, Pete?" I knew he held his crying as did I.

I smiled, "I miss you too, Khun Noo and Pol and Arm too. How are you guys?" I deliberately avoided answering his question. I was not fine, but I did not want to ruin this moment.

"We are fine, too. We watched a new series together last night," our cries turned into sniffles and we chuckled. Ah, the good old days.

"Pol and Arm are dating, you know," he continued.

"Really? Finally. Do inform me if they ever get married," I genuinely felt happy for them.

"Pete, I do really miss you, you know. Please don't think badly of me."

"Never, Khun Noo."

"You changed your number, but I didn't want to overstep, so I never found out your new one. I got this just a few days ago. I do miss you, really, but that demon spawn begged me to call you. Please don't think bad about meee, pleeaseeee," his high-pitched voice came back. At least he had stopped crying.

Did not want to overstep? They did not put me on surveillance? And Demon spawn? Vegas?

"Is everything ok?"

"Vegas is in the hospital but it is so hard to ask him to eat or take his meds, or so I was told. I did not go there myself, who cares! He can die for all I care! Macau, that demon spawn, asked me to call you to....visit, to help," he said the last part quietly.

"It's fine Khun Noo. I'm happy to hear your voice again but, I don't think I can help either, Khun Noo, I mean, his brother could not," I held my breath, I could feel myself getting angry, "Why don't they find some woman who can persuade him to eat?!" It was wrong of me to snap at Khun Noo like that and I regretted it. I took a deep breath, calming myself, "sorry Khun Noo, you don't deserve that."

"It's okay. We don't really have the right to ask you about this either, you know after..." he trailed off, "but Peeeteee you know, all my birthdays, you never bought me gifts, Peeeete. Just think of it as my birthday present, okaaayy?" his cheerful persona came back again.

"You didn't give me anything either, Khun Noo," I laughed at his logic.

"I will buy anything you want then," I was wondering what Macau had on him that Khun Noo was willing to beg me for Vegas. It was so curious.

"Pete, are you still there?"

"Khun Noo, I..."

"Pleeaseeeeee. Please pleaseeeee."

I sighed, "fine Khun Noo, I will go," I always was weak to his pleading. This overgrown baby of mine.

I drove to the hospital after work, not sure what I was supposed to do, what was expected of me. I met Macau in front of Vegas' room. The moment that our eyes met, he buried his face in his hand, hiding a trail of tears on his face. I hugged him, stroking his back, not sure what to say.

"Phi Pete, I'm sorry," he apologized.

"I'm not sure what you apologize for," I had no quarrel with him, it was not his doing.

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