Phone call

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I opened my bedroom door and flicked on the light. It looked exactly the same, yet also different. The first thing I did was go to my bookshelf and get my dictionary.

Well, actually, it was a hollowed out dictionary, where I stored my important stuff. My phone, journal, mysterious CDs, you know, stuff like that.

I pulled the CD I had snatched out of my bag and put it in. Then I tore my drawing of Scarlett out of my notebook, folded it, and put that in too. Then I took my phone out.

No new messages. Well, that's predictable.

I looked out my window, where it was already getting dark

I didn't win the million.

I didn't get the girl of my dreams.

My life sucks, big time.

I guess life really isn't a fairytail, and there is no happy ever after. 

Three weeks later

I was sitting at my desk doing homework. My phone rang.

I picked it up 


"Hello Alex"


To be continued...______________________

A/n, Cliff hanger! dun dun daaaaaah! I think im gonna write a sequel, so here's to hoping that'll be popular! Thank you so much for reading this! You are amazing! Give yourself a pat on the back *Pat pat pat*.

Anyway, my sequel will probably take longer to upload, as I haven't watch season seven in a while, so yeah.

Thanks for reading! Bye!

-Chinchilla ✨

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