Rock bottom

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As usual, I awoke to jasmine clomping around on the roof. 

"Must your giant feet be so noisy?" Max asked "I was having the most delightful dream"

"Was it you being blasted out of a cannon for costing us the last challenge? That was my dream" Jasmine replied

"No, I was being carried by many minions like an egyptian king!" max said. "Looks like your servants are still with you" jasmine said, indicating that max was covered in ants.

"AGHHH! AGGHHH! ANTS! FOUL VERMIN!" Max screamed. Then he relised they were also in his bed "ewww, disgusting! Sidekicks! Clean my bed at once! Sidekiiiiiicks!". 

I heard Scarlett grumble something as she pulled her covers over her head


Scarlett: i need him gone-

Alex: -when people relise how dense he is-

Scarlett: -They'll know Alex and I built all his gadgets-

Alex: -and then hopefully vote him off, for being completley useless


"You wanna go for a walk?" i asked Scarlett


As we walked, we talked about stuff like school, annoying brothers, what we'd do with the money if we won, ect ect. 

"it's time to get rolling!" Chris said over the loudspeaker with a laugh. Me and Scarlett exchanged confused glances "Um, that'll make sense in a minute".

Time skip

"Today's challenge is simple" Chris said. We all sighed in relief "Simple and deadly.". We all gasped "You'll be racing across the island in these turbo orbs!" he ssaid, gesturing to two perfectly normal orbs. "each team will cram into one turbo orb and run like a hamster in a wheel. First team to the other side of the island wins immunity"

"Both teams are sure to have a ball" Topher said to the camera

"Just get in the orb Topher" Chris said

Jasmine was just quivering like a leaf. "Jasmine? You still on Australian time?" Chris chuckled "I actually have no idea if that's ahead of us or behind us, but, you get the joke." 

"Ok. Just gonna get inside that cramped confined ball, no way out. Let's do this!" Jasmine said, trying to regain her confidence. She crouched on the ground with her knees pulled up to her chest.


Jasmine: Ok, so I might be claustrophobic

Shawn: It's sad when someone let's a single irrational fear control their whole lives

Alex: Damn, out of all the phobias i thought jasmine could have, claustrophobia was never one of them


"You ok Jaz?" I asked, stepping out of the orb

"I'm ok. Just have a teeny issue with confined spaces. No biggie" she said, before going back to being curled up in a little ball. "You know what else is a confined space?" Chris asked "A cannon". Jasmine didn't move "Ok, bad cop didn't work, time for good cop. Alex my bro, this is your time".

I crouched beside Jasmine "It's ok Jaz, everyone feels scared sometimes, it's perfectly normal.". She smiled slightly

"Chef! Toss 'em in!" Chris said. Chef threw us both in

"Um, we can't see out of these" Dave pointed out

"Oh dear" Chris said, not giving a crap. The doors were shut "You might feel a slight drop!" wait, what? "Ready, go!".

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