Dreams are weird things

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Where am I? Why are the walls and floor yellow?

"Hello?" I yelled out "Hellooooo?". 

"Hey uteki" someone said behind me. I turned


I hugged my sister "How is this happening?" I asked

"It's a dream, uteki" she said to me. Aw man.

"Well, it's nice to see you again, even if it is just a dream".

"Yeah, same here"

A thought crossed my mind "Oh, why is everything yellow, by the way?" I asked.

"Because yellow is the colour of anxiousness, but also happiness. You're happy to make it to the final four, but also anxious of what awaits you" Gina said. She smirked "Or, it's because Scarlett always wears yellow".

BlushBlushBlush. "Shut up" I mumbled.

Her smirk turned into concern. "What's wrong? You sad Jasmine got shot out of a cannon?"

I nodded. "Yeah. She was my last friend left in the game, plus now Shawn'll be targeting me. I'm doomed"

"No your not! You're smarter than everyone else combined! Plus, you have an actual motivation!"


"Scarlett! But seriously, if you don't start dating that girl, I will. We both know I'm not joking"

"Well, she's gone now. Not much I can do about it". 

"There's always something you can do. Anyway, I'm going to wake up soon, so bye"

"Bye Gina".

We hugged again and I woke up.

It was still dark.

I pulled out my notebook and started writing


A/n, hi, sorry this chapter is so short, the next one will be longer. 

-Chinchilla ✨

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