Talc and green slime

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I managed to get a little more sleep than I did the other day. I woke up at around seven, when Jasmine's boots were clomping across the roof. I got out of bed and pulled my jacket on, before heading out with her and Sammy. We foraged for a while, and Jasmine brought up how evil Amy is.

"You know, you don't need to help me every morning just because your sister tells you to," Jasmine said.

 "You don't want me to come?" Sammy asked sadly.

"That's not what I said. I just want it to be your decision, not hers" Jasmine explained. I nodded "Yeah, stop letting your sister treat you like a servant" I added

"Oh, she never treats me that well..." Sammy sighed, looking down. 

"Then do something about it!" Jasmine exclaimed.   

"How can I? She's everyone's favourite" Sammy said "She's the pretty one". She can't actually be serious, right?                                                             "Your identical twins! You're both the pretty one!" I exclaimed loudly.

"Really?" Sammy asked, as if she had never noticed that the only way to tell her and her sister apart was her sister's wart (A/n, yes, ik its a mole, but im calling it a wart). "Samey look," Jasmine said "The first person who stands up for you has gotta be you".   


*Smiles thinly* if only it were that easy *Touches scar on left wrist* If only...


"Wow! So are we like, friends?" Sammy asked "if not, that's ok, I don't have a lot of friends so-". Jasmine put a hand on Sammy's shoulder

 "The way Amy treats you bothers me, so yeah, I guess we're friends". I nodded in agreement "And I have trouble making friends too" jasmine admitted "i don't know why but-" she paused and punched a tree. Fruit rained down "People find me a bit intimidating". The tree then broke. Huh. I thought people punching down trees only happened in cartoons and minecraft.

"I don't really have any friends either" I said, picking up some of the fallen fruit "Apparently no one wants to be friends with 'the freaky genius boy'" added, using air quotes. I remembered the stupid people that make my life miserable

Shawn soon walked into the clearing lugging a huge bag behind him "hey" he said.

"G'day Shawn" Jasmine said back. Is she... blushing? It's kinda hard to tell, what with her dark skin. "Ummmmmm, we're going over there" Sammy said sheepishly, grabbing my arm and practically dragging me out of there. 

I tried to hear Jasmine and Shawn's conversation, but i didn't get much. Shawn left eventually. "Were you guys talking about zombies?" Sammy asked Jasmine.

"Yeah, it's just this little running joke between us." Jasmine laughed. Sammy and I looked at each other in concern "Does he know it's just a joke?" I asked cautiously. Jasmine thought for a second, before saying "Yeah, of course he does. I mean, who would really believe in zombies?".

 I shrugged "If you say so". We walked back to the rest of our team with the food                                   

Small time skip

"Wow! Look at all this stuff!" Rodney said when we all sat down to eat "Thanks jasmine, thanks Alex, thanks Amy". Amy smiled like an angel, and I enjoyed several fantasies in which she met her untimley demise.

"Amy?" Sammy exclaimed crossly "It was me, not Amy!".

"What is your problem Samey?" amy scoffed.   

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