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Hey! Sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I was working on my new one shot. You should check it out! It's called "I'll Never Leave You" and it's an Claude x Alois one shot! I love that pairing! Anyways, on with the story!

Ciel POV

I made myself comfortable in my old chair. I was currently relaxing in my old office while Sebastian served some tea.

"Earl Gray? I haven't had this in so long," I say as I recognize the scent. I inhale, relishing in the sweet scent and the memories that came with it.

"Indeed, my lord. I thought this tea would be perfect to mark this occasion. After all, you are going to see your dear Lady Elizabeth soon." I nod at his statement, hoping that he wouldn't keep talking about it. I needed to stay calm, and thinking of her was only making me nervous. My hopes are not achieved. He starts to talk again.

"My lord, I've been meaning to ask you, what will you think of her new demon butler? Have you ever thought about the contract they made and how it came to be? I certainly hope that she wasn't placed in the same situation you were in all those years ago."

"Your right. I would never forgive myself if that did happen. As for the demon, I don't want you to cause any trouble with it. I absolutely do not want another Claude episode," I shiver at the very thought of the late Trancy spider butler, "but I suppose that we will have to wait. Be prepared for anything, Sebastian. That's an order."

"Yes, my lord."

---Time Skip---

After dinner was served, I retired back to my study, or rather Elizabeth's study. The room was dark, but my demon vision pierced through the vail of darkness. I found my way to the chair, sat down, and began to think. I was drowning in my thoughts of Lizzie. Will she forgive me for all of the bad deeds I've committed? How much has she changed? Will she even recognize me? The last thought made me stop for a moment. It was true, I had changed a lot since I last saw her so many years ago. I had grown taller, almost as tall as Sebastian. My slate colored hair had grown and was now touching my shoulders. And my bright, blue eye color had only intensified over the years. And I must say, I am pretty impressed with my physical appearance. I had gained defined muscles, including a six pack, which I was quite proud of. I was no longer the scrawny shell of a boy. I was now a man, well technically a full fledged demon, that is.

With all of these thoughts buzzing in my head, I began to doze off. Just as I welcomed the darkness, I was awoken by none other than Mey Rin, bursting through the door.

"Pardon me my lord, but Lady Elizabeth's carriage has just pulled up, yes it did!" She bowed and left the room. Sebastian then showed up to escort me to the entrance. We paused at the main doors. I could hear the horses stomping around just outside.

"Are you ready, my lord?"

"Yes, Sebastian, I've waited so long for this moment. I'm ready to see her again," and with that, I push the front doors open. The three servants rushed out to help her with her luggage. I walked out, trying my best to calm my breathing. The carriage doors were still closed, that is until Finny opened them up.

"Welcome home, my lady! We have a surprise guest for you!"

"Oh really? Who ever could it be?" Says a lovely, sweet voice. The owner of the voice slowly stepped out of the carriage, with the help of Finny. The first thing that I noticed, was that I was indeed right. She had changed. She was no longer the small, flat chested girl. She had matured... In several ways. My eyes widen as she is fully revealed in the moonlight. Her signature blond hair was still in those adorable pig tails. Her bright, emerald eyes were still as big and innocent as I remembered them to be. Her body is what changed the most. She had obviously grown taller, and she was no longer flat chested. She had became a well developed young woman, I realized.

After I had taken in her new appearance, we locked eyes. I observed as several emotions were displayed across her face. Confusion, happiness, anger, and finally she settled on sadness.

"C-Ciel?" She squeaked, her voice still as high pitched as I remembered. I frown as I notice tears welling up in her eyes.

"Yes, Lizzie. I am Ciel Vincent Phantomhive."

"How? How are you here? Why did you come back after leaving me alone all those years?" She cried, the tears pouring down her face.

"We are both in the same situation now. We both have demon butlers and we both are now demons ourselves. I left originally because I didn't want you to get tangled in the demon world, but I see that it was useless to leave you. Lizzie, as soon as I heard that you were still alive, I had to come find you and ask for your forgiveness," I walk towards her and pulled her into a hug, laying my chin atop her head while her hair tickled my neck. "I'm so sorry that I caused you pain, Elizabeth. Will you accept my apology? Can we start over?" I beg as I pull her back to look into her eyes. I gently brush away her tears as I await her answer. Suddenly, with all her might, she flung her arms out, placed them on my chest, and pushed me away and to the ground.

"NO! How can you ever expect me to forgive you after all you've done to me. I hate you, Ciel Phantomhive!" She screamed. With every word she said, my heart shattered. She ran past me, her face in her hands still crying, and into the mansion. I sat on the ground, stunned into silence. The servants, not knowing what else to do, quickly finished unpacking the carriage and went inside.

"My lord? Will you be alright?" Sebastian asked, his voice filled with pity and concern. Before I can answer, we are interrupted by another female voice that came from the carriage.

"I'm very sorry about my Lady's behavior," as the figure stepped out, both Sebastian and mine eyes widened in surprise as we saw her appearance. She was tall, had a pale complexion, and had long black hair that was braided down past her waist, and deep, midnight blue eyes. The most surprising thing about her was her attire. She was not wearing maid clothing, like a dress, at all, but the opposite. Her butler outfit was almost exactly like Sebastian's. "She gets very upset about these kinds of things, but of course you would know, with you being her fiancé and all," she remarked sarcastically.

"And you are?" Sebastian asks.

"Oh, where are my manners! My name is Victoria. I am Lady Elizabeth's demon butler. Pleased to meet you."

Phew! That's a big update! Hope you guys are satisfied for now! Till next time

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