Chapter Thirty

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Theia awoke with a gasp, bolting upright. Arms immediately wrapped around her and she found her face buried in Nova's neck, her hands fisting the back of his shirt. For several long moments neither of them spoke as they held each other. They held each other so close Theia cold feel his heart beating strong against her own.

When they finally pulled away, it was only far enough to meet each other's eyes. Theia was surprised to find Nova's eyes rimmed red and liquid pooled within.

He smiled as he ran his fingers across her cheek gently, reminding her of the scratches that were thankfully almost healed there. Her thigh was a different story. Werewolves may heal fast, but a wound like that would take a while longer.

"Theia," Nova spoke quietly. "I am so sorry."

"For what," she asked, her throat raspy.

"For letting them take you. I'm supposed to protect you, I'm . . ." Theia placed her fingers over his lips to silence him and then ended up tracing her thumb across them.

"Stop. I won't have you blaming yourself. Besides, I don't want to think about any of that. All I want is to celebrate the end of Astra and the fact that you're here with me. I thought you were dead, Nova. It was the worst feeling I had ever felt. I never want to experience that again."

He kissed her thumb and then he was kissing her. He was kissing her as if she were the air he needed to live, rough and desperate and passionate. They didn't stop there either, as they tore each others clothes off until there was nothing separating the two, leaving them feeling as if they truly were one, especially as Nova eased inside of Theia. Only then did they slow, holding each other tightly, their tongues dancing a slow rhythm, as Nova's hips rocked leisurely against her.

It wasn't until they were lying next to each other, still in each other's arms but with Theia's head on Nova's chest, that she became aware of where they were. They were back at the Bar House in Theia's room and she realized she still had a job to do.

"Calder," she spoke quietly, the image of him appearing in front of her to take a sword in the chest, to save her live, flashed through her mind.

Nova's arms tightened around her slightly before he responded, "he was dead when we found you. But we brought him back with us to give him a proper burial."

That was good. He deserved it for all he had done. She thought back to when they had met him, remembering he had prophesized his death. Had he known exactly how it would happen? Did he not tell her because he knew she wouldn't be happy about anyone sacrificing their life for her?

"And Arabella," Theia asked next.

"What about her?"

Theia sat up slightly to meet Nova's eyes. "She was there."

"No, she wasn't with us, she . . ." he broke off at the look Theia was giving him.

"Arabella betrayed us. She had been feeding Astra information, she . . ." Theia broke off realizing she had probably been the one to help Astra and her people into the city because there was no way they would have been able to simply pass through the border.

"I don't understand. Why would she do that?"

"She was hoping to get me out of the picture so her father would devote his time to her and so you . . ." Nova interrupted her with a curse.

"I'm so sorry, Theia."

"Don't blame yourself Nova. In the end she helped me. I had been tied up, but she set me free."

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