Chapter Eight

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Nova ran for hours at a time, his black fur blending in with the night making him nothing but a blur. He ran until he had no choice but to stop for a break or risk passing out from exhaustion. Findinga stream, he drank greedily from the cool water before plopping down by theshore, panting heavily. The mid-summer heat and humidity weren't helping matters.

That force in his chest was urging him to continue, to keep running, to find her, but he had to rest. His lungs felt as if they were going to burst if he went any farther.

He hadn't been away from Theia for this long since they had officially met. He knew she could take care of herself, she always had, but he couldn't help but worry. Yet, she was the bravest person he knew.

There was only one time he had ever seen Theia break down before. She had stayed strong when her father passed and every time they had to bury one of their pack members. She had stayed strong the many times they had to face someone in battle. However, late one night Nova had found himself rushing up to Theia's bedroom, this time with a sense of urgency.

He had known something was wrong, so he hadn't hesitated to fling open her bedroom door even though it was the middle of the night. He had found Theia on the ground beside her bed, tangled up in her sheets, sobbing. Nova scrunched up his nose from the scent of vomit, but had quickly rushed to her side, falling to his knees beside her.

"Nova," she had cried, "it hurts! I – I f-feel l-like my-my bones are b-breaking and my s-skin ..." a scream interrupted her sentence as her back arched.

Nova had placed a hand on her back, feeling utterly useless. "Its going to be alright. Don't try to fight it, it's best to let go, let the Change happen. Once it's over, the pain will stop, and it'll be so much easier the next time."

She had cried out, finally looking up at him with tear-stained cheeks and wide, frightened eyes. "I don't ever want to do this again."

"I promise, it won't ever be this difficult again. Just the first time."

Her skin had rippled, and she arched her back again, sobbing. She had never felt such excruciating pain before. "Nova, I'm scared."

His heart had broken at her confession. She had been only eleven, which was early for the change to occur. Usually, it didn't happen until thirteen or sometimes not even until fourteen. Yet, he knew she was strong and not just because of the alpha blood running through her, but also because that was just who she was.

Nova had dragged Theia onto his lap, even though he knew how dangerous that could be for him and stroked her hair. She had shaken uncontrollably in his arms and was burning hot with sweat gleaming across her skin.

"You're not alone," Nova had told her. "I'm right here. You're going to be ok, just let it happen. Let it happen."

Nails, no, claws, had dug into his leg as another spasm ran through her body, but he continued talking to her.

"You're going to love running in your fur. It's the most free you'll ever feel. I can't wait to see what your wolf looks like, I know you'll be as mesmerizing in your fur as you are now."

Theia had gritted her teeth as fur began to spread along her arms. She gasped and almost fell off Nova's lap as her legs shifted, bones popping, but he held her more firmly. Crying out, her body shuddered and popped until her cries became howls. And then he had been shoved away, claws scrapping against him as she completed the Change.

For one long moment she had stood before him on four legs, howling as the Change finalized. Her yellow eyes glowed brightly, contrasting against her russet and white marbled colored fur. Then she collapsed, exhausted.

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