Chapter Fifteen: Ten Years Ago

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Now that Theia was no longer in hiding, she found it harder to stay indoors. So, when Nova went out to meet a friend for dinner, she headed out the front door, ordering the guards there not to alert anyone.

It wasn't like she was really alone. She stayed within the compound walls, walking down the street towards the west wall. Along the way she passed others who were out walking around or hanging out in front of their houses. They waved as she passed, a couple invited her in for dinner, but she kept whatever conversion she had to a minimum just wanting to enjoy a few moments alone under the darkening sky.

The temperatures were dropping more and more every day as winter crept near, the leaves that had already changed and managed to hang on to the branches now decayed. She pulled her fuzzy coat closed as she watched a couple of kids playing kickball in the street ahead. For a moment she considered asking them if she could join. They looked to be around the same age as her after all, and the game looked fun. She had never played kickball before and would like to at least try if nothing else. But then she thought about what it would look like if the alpha was playing a child's game. Would her pack think little of her for indulging in a kids activity even if she was a kid herself? Or worse than that, would they pity her for not being able to do more childish things?

Sighing, she turned down the next street, away from the kids, and nearly ran into Theon.

"Sorry," she automatically said.

"There you are," he exclaimed. "I went to the house looking for you but they said you went out. When Nova showed and you weren't with him, we were worried."

"I told the guards I was going for a walk so nobody would worry."

"I heard about your little adventure yesterday. Why didn't you consult me before putting yourself in danger like that? What were you thinking offering yourself as bait?"

Crossing her arms, she narrowed her eyes up at him. "As alpha, I didn't realize I had to consult with anyone. Last I checked, it was my job to make the decisions around here."

"Alpha or not, you're still a child, Theia. I'm your brother and since father is gone, your guardian."

Her guardian? Since when had he ever acted like a guardian to her? He didn't even live with her, he had moved out the second he turned eighteen and lived on the west side of the compound.

"That may be so, but I am alpha and you have no right to keep things from me," she told him as she turned away from him. She really didn't want to have this conversation with him. Not now, not ever.

He grabbed her arm, turning her back around to face him. "Don't turn your back on me. We're not done with this conversation."

"Theon," a familiar voice called out to them, sending relief flooding through Theia's veins. "What's going on?"

"Nothing that concerns you," Theon replied, looking over her head at Nova as he came up behind Theia. "This is between me and my sister."

"That's where you're wrong. Anything involving Theia is my business. Now, release her."

Theon's hold on her arm tightened slightly before he let go, giving her a little shove that caused her to stumble back into Nova. Without another word he walked away, leaving Theia gaping after him in surprise. He had never acted that way towards her before and she didn't know what to think of it.

"Are you alright," Nova asked her once Theon had turned around the corner.

"Fine," she mumbled, although it wasn't quite true.

"Next time you want to go for a walk, I'd appreciate it if you waited for me."

"You went out to dinner, and I didn't know when you'd be back."

He ran a hand through his hair, musing it as he sighed. "Actually, I didn't go to dinner."

"Then where'd you go?"

"Come with me," he said instead with a grin.

Raising her eyebrows, she followed him down the road. He didn't say anything else as he led her to the south side of the compound where they planted a community garden every year, although now the field lay barren. The air smelled sickly sweet from the few rotten apples that littered the ground at the orchard, causing Theia to scrunch up her nose as they entered the gazebo and took a seat.

"Are you going to tell me what's going on now," Theia asked impatiently.

Nova smiled as he reached into his pocket and pulled something out that he kept fisted in his hand.

"I made you a promise that I'd never leave you, but I know sometimes words aren't enough. So, I wanted to give you something to remind you every day that I'm here, always, whenever you need me."

Opening his fist, he held out his hand to her to reveal the bracelet he held. The band was encircled with multiple-colored beads and there were three pendants – a crescent moon, a yellow gemstone the same color as her eyes, and a heart engraved with the word forever.

"Nova," she breathed. "I love it."

He smiled as he picked up her left hand and then slid the bracelet onto her wrist. "Its nothing fancy. But it does stretch so after you make the Change, whenever you shift you can pull it up to your forearm and not have to worry about losing it."

Theia threw her arms around his neck, causing him to grunt and then he chuckled. "Thank you," she said. "It's perfect."

Pulling back, she admired her new bracelet before coming to a decision. "Will you teach me how to play kickball?"

"Really," he asked in surprise. "My little alpha wants to learn something as mundane as kickball?"

She nodded, her cheeks turning pink, but mainly because he called her his.

"I would love nothing more. Come on then."

He grabbed her hand and led her away from the garden, back to the house where he said he was pretty sure he had seen a ball in some closet when he was snooping around one day. Along the way she realized as long as she was with Nova, she didn't care what anyone might think of her. For her, his opinion mattered more than anyone else's and she was pretty sure he'd never think less of her about anything she might do.  

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