Chapter Sixteen

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Unlike the compound Theia lived in, Bash's territory wasn't surrounded by a high fence, nor were there guards waiting to pounce on them the second Theia and the others stepped foot past their boundary.

Theia allowed Nova to take the lead since he knew the way, unlike her. They passed by a few streets dotted with farmhouses, this part of the state more rural, until they reached a community center where Bash's office was located. Someone was coming out of the entrance as they arrived and Theia was surprised when he held the door open for them with a smile, not even questioning their presence there. Especially that of the two fae who followed closely behind them.

Unlike in Greater New York, which was considered a free state, different races rarely intermingled everywhere else. Werewolves formed their packs, not liking when anyone else encroached on their territory, humans kept to their selves, and most fae lived in the west under Queen Esmeralda's rule.

"His office is over here," Nova told them, leading them down a hall to the left.

He rapped on the door and someone from within immediately called out for them to enter.

"Nova," Bash greeted as Nova pushed the door open. "What a surprise."

When Theia entered behind him, Bash's eyes widened in shock as he pushed to his feet.

"Theia, what's going on? Is everything alright?"

"Hello Bash," she greeted as Torren and Leda squeezed into the small office and closed the door behind them. "Sorry for dropping by without any notice."

"Hey, don't worry about it. I know you wouldn't without good reason. Please take a seat."

Bash sat back down as Nova and Theia did also, but the two fae leaned against the wall behind them. Bash looked between the two before returning his attention back to Theia.

"I'm glad to see you made it back home safe and sound," Bash told her.

"Thank you, so am I," she replied. "It's definitely been a crazy week."

"I can imagine. And now you're here, for the first time ever, so I'm assuming this isn't a social call."

"I'm afraid not. I'm here to bring you a warning. My brother has barred me from entering the compound and taken over as alpha."

"What? He can't," Bash exclaimed.

"Well, he has and I don't see how I can do anything about it. The pack has spoken in favor of him and I'm not going to fight my own brother for the spot."

"I'm sorry Theia. If you're in need of a place to stay, you're more than welcome here. Nova also."

She was genuinely surprised by that. A pack didn't offer just anyone a place within their ranks. Each one was a tight knit group, most of them having grown up together, especially the larger packs like Theia's. Nova had been the only outsider to join the Death Moon Pack since Theia's been alive at least.

"I appreciate the offer," Theia said, "but we have a place to go. I came to warn you that Theon is planning to invade your territory in an effort to expand their borders."

"That little weasel," Bash hissed. "There's no way we can stand against them, your pack is twice the size of ours."

"I know. So, I want to offer you my support."

"Support? No offense, Theia, but I don't think Nova and you alone would make much of a difference."

"Not us," she stated, leaning back in her seat. In the corner of her eye, she saw Nova smirking beside her. "I have a whole army at my beck and call waiting to get in on some action. I can send you a dozen people to stand with you – werewolves, fae, and humans."

"How," he barely breathed, glancing at Nova as if seeking his confirmation.

"Theia is preparing to rise as queen," Nova told him. "Her supporters are gathering together, ready to fight for her."

Bash glanced between the two of them, his expression close to one of awe. "If I accept, what will you expect in return?"

Theia shrugged. "Not much really, just your alliance. It's nice to know I have one less enemy in the world and hopefully one more friend."

Nodding he rose to his feet and held his hand out to Theia. "Then you have my support."

She stood to accept his hand with a smile. "Thank you, Bash. I'll be sure to send people immediately."

"I can offer you something else too," he said, releasing her hand. "Something I heard a couple of years ago, although whether its true or not I can't say for sure."

Curious, she nodded for him to continue.

"Have you heard of the Great Library located on an island off the northeastern coast? Well, word is they have the original prophesy about the alpha queen written there. The full prophesy."

"What," she breathed, exchanging a look with Nova. How come she hadn't heard of this before?

"The keepers are really strict about who they let in, but I'm sure if you flashed those pretty yellow eyes of yours, they'd be more than accommodating."

Could it really be possible? Theia was afraid to hope it could be. If there was actually more to the prophesy it could be a game changer, good or bad, although either way it'd be nice to finally know the truth.

"Thank you, Bash, that's – just thank you," she said, her mind spinning.

He nodded with a smile and then they said their goodbyes before heading out the door.

"I'm guessing we'll be taking another trip then," Torren commented as they exited the community center.

Theia glanced at Nova whose eyes shined as bright as she was sure hers did. "Let's go back to the safe house and get those people brought over for Bash," she told them. "And then, after some food and rest, we'll go take a little trip to the beach."

They all flashed grins as they gathered around Torren. As much as Theia tried, she couldn't stop the excitement from bubbling over. And maybe even a little hope.  

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