Chapter Two

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A growl reverberated through the quad as Nova arrived to break up the fight. Nobody had thrown a punch quite yet, but Dig was on the verge of breaking, his skin rippling. That one sound had all four pups backing down and spacing out, although they still continued to glare at one another.

They weren't exactly pups, all four were in their late teens, but in that moment, they were acting like it. Sometimes it was hard for a werewolf to get enough control of their emotions to keep from changing every time they were pissed or upset. And sometimes they just liked whatever excuse they could find to show some claws.

"Nova," Theon called as he approached the group. He smirked at the pups, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his linen pants. "My sister was asking for you. I think she was hoping you'd accompany her while she entertained Bash."

Nova repressed his eye roll at the way Theon had stated Bash's presence, as if he were here on a social call. He knew exactly why Bash was here which was because the other alpha was tired of their pack continuing to pass through his territory. Unfortunately, that was hard to avoid when they lived so close to one another, a fact Bash didn't believe constituted a valid reason for trespassing.

"Where are they," Nova asked.

"In the drawing room."

Nova brushed past him, happy for the excuse to leave the pups to fend for themselves, and not have to stick around Theon any longer. Not only that, but every second he was away from Theia, this unpleasant feeling grew in him. It was like a magnetic pull urging him to stay by her side. The longer he was away, the stronger it became until it left him in a panic, as if something would happen to her if he wasn't there.

Before he began sharing her bed, the feeling would wake him in the middle of the night. He had fought against the feeling for a while, but it left him tossing and turning and covered in sweat until he was able to see her the next morning. Eventually he gave in, and after that Theia would open her door every morning to find him sitting against the opposite wall, usually asleep. With a sigh she'd wake him and drag him inside where he'd sprawl across her small chaise and fall back asleep for a couple of more hours. She had tried to get him to start the night on the sofa, but he was afraid if he took that step, he wouldn't be able to stop himself from slipping into her bed in the middle of the night.

It was customary that, if an alpha chose a mate for his son or daughter at a young age, they wouldn't meet until it was time for them to marry. The reason for that was to avoid any awkwardness, especially in a case like theirs where there was such a big age difference between them. That's how it should have been for them, but the death of Theia's father had changed all that.

Nova still remembered that night well, the night he had first laid eyes on Theia. Their compound had been attacked by the Snow Moon Pack, the wolves having found out about Theia's existence. They still didn't know where they had received the information from. Once her father realized his daughter was the girl from the prophecy, he had kept her under lock and key. Very few people had known of her existence then, in fact most of their own pack had no idea what was living right next door to them in the alpha's house.

The enemy pack came in the dead of night, surprising them. Nova fought with the others, until he watched as his alpha was cut down. Racing to his side, Nova had hoped he could help his leader. One look at him and he knew Atlas wouldn't make it through the night.

"Go to her," Atlas had managed to wheeze out.

Nova had known exactly who he meant, so leaving his still breathing alpha to die alone on the cold ground, he ran to her house, heart hammering in his chest. He braced himself for the worst when he saw the broken windows and splintered front door, the dead guards that had been protecting the Gray House and the girl within. But the house was quiet, eerily so, as he ran up the stairs and shoved through her bedroom door.

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