It's raining black feathers

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I died a thousand times
While still being alive
So fuck your act and fuck your dime
Because I give my all to strive
Because you can't buy my love
No you can't buy my smile
I'll fly with the birds above
Before walking with you for a mile
Life is what it is
Isn't it ?
Stop the lies and stop the bullshit
Giving your life away is another disease
I'd rather bleed on the way to happiness
Than faking a smile around people I dislike
They'll throw shit at you, poke you with needle and spike
Out of jealousy for your genuineness
A hundred tears of true sadness
Won't taint your heart
But those laughs of fake joyousness
Will black out the most part
I'd rather fly with the hated crows
And die satisfied
Than with the herd of dove that glows
And close my eyes with a pain that is justified

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